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Good bye my lovely old boy! R.i.p eseve


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  • Good bye my lovely old boy! R.i.p eseve

    At about 9.30 am today, 20 little paws that padded around my house, became 16! 5 cats have become 4! I have just had to say a very sad farewell to my lovely old boy ESEVE! :-( The girls and me will miss you boy, especially Your BLAZE! Now you are in good company, reunited with old MOGSEY at RAINBOW BRIDGE! Thanks for the 16 years of love and joy you gave me boy! R.I.P. ESEVE! LOVE & HUGS XXX MUM

    Rainbows Bridge Poem

    Eseve came to us as a young stray, almost wild cat about 16 years ago. I guess he must have been about a year old perhaps a little younger? My Daughter found him and went to visit and feed him where she found him on waste land for about 2 weeks. He would just come out of hiding to her when ever she was there! Eventually she bought him home in a sorry half starved state! With time and a lot of patients he became one of the family and came to some sort of an understanding with my old tom cat Mogsey who was another stray that chose to live me some years before. The 2 were not friends but tolerated each other well enough, as long as each had their own space in the house!

    As Mogsey grew older I thought he would not last much longer so I decided to get another cat to keep Eseve company when Mogsey went. A friend had kittens so I went to look and there were just 2 of the sweetest little girls left! I did not have the heart to split them up so I took both thinking again, that Mogsey might not last much longer! He was about 14-15 at the time, so 2 cats became 4, lol all in all Mogsey lived with me for 20 years! Just before the girls were old enough to be spayed Blaze got pregnant and had just 1 little girl kitten. We decided to keep her and my daughters boyfriend called her Ramsey as they were going to take her when they got their flat together. They soon decided to get another kitten to keep Ramsey company so along came Tabs, who is about a week younger than Ramsey, so that made 6 cats! For a few years, Tabs and Ramsey went to live with my Daughter and her boyfriend, However they ended up back here with me and have been with me ever since, that was all a long time ago now! Mogsey has been gone fore about 10 ,11 years now. I still miss him as he was my shadow, always at my side even, walking the kids to school in the mornings, or following me on my Avon round!

    Now my other old boy Eseve has gone today! Its just us girls here and we don’t like it so much! I know I did the right thing this morning but I feel like **** and I don’t mind admitting that I hurt like hell and have been as miserable as sin since coming to the decision last night to say goodbye to my dear old cat! I'm missing my old man ESEVE already! The house is just not the same without him!! If I want to, I can now eat in peace without him begging for my leftovers, the girls will be allowed to eat without him muscling in on their food! They are all well fed but Eseve always wanted to show who was boss, Blaze who has adored him since as a young kitten, she first laid eyes on him has already been looking around the house for him! Tabs has been keeping me company sitting on my computer desk as I write this, she is purring at me softly, bless her! The other 2 girls Smudge and Ramsey are just laying low, out of the way!

    I stayed downstairs on my sofa last night, trying to sleep but could not till the early hours! Then all too soon it was time to wake up and prepare for that horrid lonely drive to the vet! Eseve had slept on me all night, Then when I woke up he moved for a while and snuggled down on the table with Blaze! I'm sure he knew and had been asking me to let him go He went to Blaze as if to say is goodbyes to her! Bless him, he had so much wrong with him, from dental problems, possibly hyperactive thyroid, then today I was told possibly stomach cancer as well but he was a fighter till the end!

    We got to the vet's too early this morning, I did not want to be rushed, or late, I wanted a nice slow drive to make it more comfortable for him! The roads were almost empty so we got to town with about 20 mins to spare. I parked the car and sat in there with my lovely on my lap for a last cuddle and good buy before going into the vets! When the vet left the room to get the injection, Eseve wanted to explore the room and have a nose at everything. He had a strong will to live over his last few months, he enjoyed one last summer I'm happy for that! Even with all his problems, he had quite good vigour until this last couple of months when he lost almost all of his body weight and was always hungry despite eating like a horse! All day I have been telling myself that this was the best for Eseve but it is not helping me to feel any better!
    Last edited by Irie Jan; 27-10-2010, 03:52 PM.
    Live like you never lived before!

    Laugh Like you never laughed before!

    Love like you never loved before!

    One Love & Unity

  • #2
    Oh dear- that's really sad, and I'm so pleased you were able to share some gentle time together before he had to go.
    You clearly did the best for him- all his life.

    You've actually had me in tears...I so wish i could have enjoyed one last cuddle with my cat Hewie before he just vanished a few weeks ago.

    Closure- it does help a little doesn't it?

    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      It is always very sad when our 'best friends' leave us - but you should feel a little easier knowing that from a dodgy start you gave him the best 16 years of his life and the companionship of other felines.

      Unlike humans - its the only time they ever hurt you and return all the love shown to them aplenty and times more.

      Sorry to hear this and take care.


      • #4
        Oh Nicos bless your heart! BIG HUGS for you. I feel for you and I'm sorry that you did not get that time with your cat! Yes it was bitter sweet to have that last little bit of time with my old boy! I hope it helped him more than it did me! In the early years with Eseve he would never come to me, as I said he was half wild when my Daughter begged me to bring him home. It took him years to trust me and even when she left home at times I would have to call her to come home to get him in for me, he just would not come in even for food! She would come home and not even have to call him and he was there! Eventually he learned to trust me and would come in for me. As he aged, like most cats, he started to crave affection! For the last couple of years he had been a proper lap cat. I could not sit down for 2 mins b4 he was on my lap, much to the disgust of Tabs and Blaze who have always been lap cats since a young age! Often over the last few months I have found myself with 2 cats on my lap, a third trying to sit on my chest and another looking as if to say room for 1 more Mum?

        I do hope that eventually find out what happened to Hewie! The best you can hope for is that perhaps Hewie will find his way home or has perhaps found another home and is happy! HUGS and thanks for your kind words!
        Live like you never lived before!

        Laugh Like you never laughed before!

        Love like you never loved before!

        One Love & Unity


        • #5

          It sounds as if your cats adore you and you're a super-cuddly mommy to them.
          ... even they will be a bit bewildered for a few days.

          Hugs for your daughter too- she was clearly very special to Eseve
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Hugs your way, is always a sad time when they pass x


            • #7
              My little old man knew he was loved, that is the important thing! The vine is playing up for me today is slower than ever to load pages! I'm out of here for today! I will pass by soon, when I feel a little brighter! Thanks againe to all who pass by to send their best wishes it helps a lot! It is hard when your alone and have to face these things. knowing you lot care is nice THANKS!!
              Live like you never lived before!

              Laugh Like you never laughed before!

              Love like you never loved before!

              One Love & Unity



              • #8
                Take care x


                • #9
                  Really sorry to hear about your loss (((HUGS)))
                  AKA Angie


                  • #10
                    Rosie (pictured), Basil, Poppy and me send all our best wishes to you.

                    Remember the good times, they last forever.
                    The cats' valet.


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear your news, its a sad day and I feel for you. xx


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear your sad news....xx
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • #13
                          Thinking about you in your time of sadness. I believe the poem is also apt for lost friends and relatives where you, them, and all your pets can go over the bridge together.

                          Take care.
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #14
                            I see you're on are you doing???

                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • #15
                              I feel so very sad for you and send you much love and many hugs. My two boys are coming up 16 we have had them since kittens - I absolutely dread the day....

                              How are you today?

                              much love


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