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  • #16
    Originally posted by MrsC View Post
    Really easy. Just google recipes for it online. I have one in a xmas book if you want me to pm it across?

    ooo..share it!!!

    any bath bomb recipes too?
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #17
      Originally posted by northepaul View Post
      I made some cranberry and apple chutney last week the plans on putting it into some hampers for various peeps. I also have some sloe gin on the go. I have quite a lot of jams too, so will mix and match what everyone likes. Planning on adding some peppermint creams, chilli vodka, and fudge...maybe cakes, or biscuits....
      I got some lovely small wooden vegetable trays from the farm shop to out everything into.

      Not quite the same but I am making my son a make-your-own-flapjack kit - a baking tray, golden syrup, peanut butter, oats, sugar and a recipe card.

      Oh and I am knitting everyone scarves (well my kids and Dad )
      Sounds nice, the wooden trays sound a good way to package them. I've seen a similar idea for baking kits made up in recycled jars. Just add the dry ingredients mixed up and then a handmade tag and any other ingredients to add.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MrsC View Post
        Sounds nice, the wooden trays sound a good way to package them. I've seen a similar idea for baking kits made up in recycled jars. Just add the dry ingredients mixed up and then a handmade tag and any other ingredients to add.
        I have seen someone selling these kits in the farmers market at Winchester...the cookie kit was �6!!
        I liked the idea of having a kids cooking party though...

        Someone could make serious money with these ideas


        • #19
          Originally posted by Nicos View Post
          I'm really enjoying this thread!!!...lots of interesting ideas!!!

          I'm going to make a few hearts out of hazel twigs with a couple of pieces of lavender to give off a gentle scent. ..and a pretty bow of course! ( ..and yup- the lavender and hazel are home grown!!)
          Bet they look pretty, love natural decorations.


          • #20
            Whilst I'm not bah humbug and love Christmas - no one is getting anything, I don't buy presents


            • #21
              There are lots of different variations for bath bombs, I use this one. I use an ice cream scoop to measure.

              1 scoop cornflour
              2 scoops citric acid
              3 scoops bi carb

              Add any petals, herbs etc you want and then essential oil.

              Mix the dry ingredients and use witch hazel to bind, us a fine mister and add a little at a time until it resembles damp sand using hands to mix. Place in moulds and then de mould after a couple of minutes leaving to harden for a few hours. Wrap in tissue paper. Store somewhere dry


              • #22
                Creamy Fudge - makes 2lb.

                2oz unsalted butter + extra for greasing
                1lb granulated sugar
                1.5 pints of double cream
                1/4 pint milk
                3tbsp water or replace with strong coffee, apricot or cherry brandy or whatever else you fancy.


                8oz milk/plain chocolate chips
                4oz hazelnuts, walnuts or brazil nuts
                4oz chopped glace cherries or dried apricots

                Grease an 8in shallow square tin.
                Place butter, sugar, cream, milk and water or other flavourings into saucepan. Heat gently until sugar is dissolved.

                Bring the mixture to a boil until it starts to thicken.

                Add your preferred flavouring and beat to blend.

                Pour into tin, once almost set use a sharp knife to mark the fudge and leave in tin until quite firm.

                Turn out once set and cut and dust with icing sugar or drizzle with chocolate if you want.

                Don't eat all at once!


                • #23
                  I'm making lot's of edible decorations for my tree this year, also chocolate money for the tree in little home made bags. Short bread, Christmas cake, jams, chutneys, pickles, jellies, fudge, candy canes, small recipe books, paper mashe masks for new years eve and of course...Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without sweet mince pies, most of them are for home made hampers.

                  Here's a link to the recipe I use for fudge...also a few more links that peeps might find helpful ...there great for the little ones to make (and big one's )
                  Chocolate Fudge for Christmas
                  Deck the Halls with Ping-Pong Balls
                  How to Make a Cardboard Nativity Scene
                  Christmas Tree Candy Canes


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
                    Does this set, GN? Most recipies I've read need to be boiled to reach the soft-ball stage...

                    Tempted to try this tonight and gorge on it myself


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                      Does this set, GN? Most recipies I've read need to be boiled to reach the soft-ball stage...

                      Tempted to try this tonight and gorge on it myself
                      ...You piggy

                      Yes it the chocolate cools it goes all fudgie. I dare you not to eat the first lot you make...go on...I dare ya


                      • #26
                        This year we are doing chutneys, jams and jellies, fudge and biscuits, elderflower cordial and rhubarb vodka.

                        We buy bags from the Tiny Box Co and decorate them ourselves and put little tags on them and voila - present!

                        There may also be bath bombs, salves, bath salts and soaps etc, but that depends on whether I have enough time to do them. I'm still currently making jams and chutneys!

                        I've got a list of websites for making bath stuff/cosmetics which sell the stuff as well as having some nice easy recipes on too. I'll dig it out and post it for anyone that wants to give it a go!


                        • #27
                          This is all right up my street! I'm supoosed to be writing up work for my NVQ, but this is far more interesting!!!
                          I'm inspired now to do the bath bombs and make lip salve to go with them. As we are doing �5 presents amonst our grown up relatives this could be the answer and I wont have to trail round the shops
                          Gardening forever- housework whenever


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                            This year we are doing chutneys, jams and jellies, fudge and biscuits, elderflower cordial and rhubarb vodka.

                            We buy bags from the Tiny Box Co and decorate them ourselves and put little tags on them and voila - present!

                            There may also be bath bombs, salves, bath salts and soaps etc, but that depends on whether I have enough time to do them. I'm still currently making jams and chutneys!

                            I've got a list of websites for making bath stuff/cosmetics which sell the stuff as well as having some nice easy recipes on too. I'll dig it out and post it for anyone that wants to give it a go!
                            Ooo yes please,have just ordered stuff to make bath bombs but would like to give other things a try


                            • #29
                              Oooh it all looks so good, just wish I had more time!!
                              AKA Angie


                              • #30
                                Suppliers and recipes for cosmetics

                                Fresholi - reasonably priced supplies in small or large quantities, good recipes available, plus a forum for cosmetic-making questions. Helen who owns Fresholi is very helpful, and can often source something for you if she doesn't stock it.

                                Aromantic - good supplies of all sorts of stuff, including packaging. They also do starter kits, which are really good for setting you up with stuff. Recipe leaflets sent out with orders, and a book available to purchase.

                                Gracefruit - excellent supplier (no recipes though), also does packaging for products.

                                The Soap Kitchen - slow to load, but lots of good, easy recipes on there, plus decently priced supplies.


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