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Kill it, Cook it, Eat it


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  • Kill it, Cook it, Eat it

    Did anyone see this last night - they slaughtered three beef cattle in a Glossop slaughterhouse which had been modified so that guests of the TV show could watch the process from the moment the beast walks in to the lairage, to the moment a piece of fillet steak was slapped on their plates in the specially built restaurant attached to the slaughterhouse.
    Just wondered if anyone caught it and what they thought - I found it quite astonishing that so few people actually realised what went on - I suppose having a farming background of some 30 years, I took it for granted that every meat eater knew about this sort of thing - how wrong could I be. !!
    (PS next week they are slaughtering lambs !)
    Last edited by sewer rat; 06-03-2007, 08:43 PM.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God

  • #2
    Wanted to watch it but forgot - will set recorder for next week. Thanks for the reminder.
    All at once I hear your voice
    And time just slips away
    Bonnie Raitt


    • #3
      Mr D said it was excellent, I was working till 1130 so missed it! Is it being repeated at all?
      Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

      'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

      The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
      Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
      Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
      On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


      • #4
        It's on again tonight with sheep!
        I thought the program was great. Like sewer rat, I have a farming back ground. Unfortunately I was not surprised how dim some people were. People have no awareness of where and how their food gets to them. They don't know that there are seasonal vegetables and It is so sad because they have little knowledge to pass down. Children believe that supermarkets magic food from nowhere and they can't identify so many vegetables and fruit. GGRRRRRRRR I think I have just had a moan. Opps


        • #5
          I'm confused, are you saying they're slaughtering animals to make tv shows?

          Is this what we've come to?
          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wild flower


          • #6
            No, SBP, they were slaughtering animals to make food, and making a TV show about it.

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #7
              I missed the programme, but grew up in the country, next to a farm, so I have always had a good understanding of what happens. We used to go and get a chicken on Saturday for eating on Sunday. Dad would choose/pay for it; the farmer would neck it. We took it hope and Mum and I used to pluck it, draw it and hang it overnight to drain, then stuff and cook it to eat. it was delicious.
              (Not sure I could neck my own though, unless I was very hungry).


              • #8
                Originally posted by Alice View Post
                No, SBP, they were slaughtering animals to make food, and making a TV show about it.
                So why don't they just take them to a slaughterhouse?
                To see a world in a grain of sand
                And a heaven in a wild flower


                • #9
                  Got a farming background my self and we kill an animal evry year to put in the freezer for ourselves. We rear the animal from birth to slaughter and grow the food that goes down its throat in our fields.
                  As I have said elsewhere in this forum we can trace the animal from birth to slaughter and know exactly what it has been fed and how it has been looked after - thats my idea of quality assurance.
                  Yes we do use chemicals (fertilisers and medicines ) but only when necessary and only at the recomended rates as our view is that we will not allow an animal to suffer any longer than is absolutely necessary.Further to this anyone who thinks that farmers just run around using expensive chemicals when they dont have to really needs to look at the price of the said chemicals before they jump to that conclusion.

                  I feel pity for people who dont know where their food comes from -but after spending 10 years delivering the raw ingredients to the food industry its probably better that most people dont know what they are eating.If you really want to know what goes into your sausages,burgers ,kebabs read on -if you dont look away now.

                  SAUSAGES- Pigs heads are put on spikes and the "meat" is steamed off and minced up for sausages .When the factory is finished there is nothing left on the skull but the bone.

                  BURGERS- As above but they also use pigs feet as well - same process with the steam.

                  KEBABS - Old mutton sheep that are no use for anything else are slaugtered an the carcases hung in a stainless steel room.On the floor stainless steel trays compleatly cover the floor.Close the doors and turn up the heat - as the meat cooks it falls off the bone into the tray below .A bone could fall in to but its all ground up and formed into what you see spinning round in the kebab shop window .

                  Enjoy your meal .

                  Kebab anyone ?
                  Last edited by beefy; 06-03-2007, 10:24 PM.
                  There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                  • #10
                    In ou house we have a policy of only eating what we kill.

                    Tonight we had a roast OAP that stepped of the pavement with out looking.

                    Bit tough but had loads of flavour.
                    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
                      So why don't they just take them to a slaughterhouse?
                      I thought they took them to a slaughterhouse in Glossop.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Alice View Post
                        I thought they took them to a slaughterhouse in Glossop.
                        They did Alice.
                        There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by NOG View Post
                          In ou house we have a policy of only eating what we kill.

                          Tonight we had a roast OAP that stepped of the pavement with out looking.

                          Bit tough but had loads of flavour.
                          I got two of them last week. I was waiting patiently in my car for them to step off the pavement and ready to were old game and knew how to survive. So I had to strike them on the pavement at 70mph, the car is a write off. There was a bit of life left in them two, so humanely I gave them IL COLPO DI GRAZIA. At the moment they are marinating in old wine, garlic, rosemary..almost ready for slow cooking.
                          Buon appetito!!
                          Don Vincenzo


                          • #14
                            Unfortunately I don't have access to BBC3 so wasn't able to see it but we saw the ad. Mr EB thought that was a bit gross. I don't have a farming background but a fishing one. We used to "enjoy" chasing spider and chancre crabs around the kitchen before they went in the pot and I was taught at a very young age (ie I could safely handle a sharp knife) to gut fish and pick crab. I've been on many different sorts of fishing expedition from laying lines, cockling to boat fishing and it's never put me off. I suppose I kind of assumed it was the same with animals without the experience.

                            My folks were telling me at the weekend that both grandfathers kept chooks and one also kept ducks so I suppose I may have witnessed the kill or something, but I don't remember.

                            It is very sad that people have become so detached from their food. Another reason to GYO and take the kids along.

                            NOG and DV - LOL! Very funny.
                            Bright Blessings

                            If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                            • #15
                              you live in a dream world beefy


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