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Kill it, Cook it, Eat it


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  • #31
    [QUOTE=SueA;74372] I cry when I pass fields of playful lambs because I know that they will end up on someone's plate one day! QUOTE]

    When I was a shepherd, all I saw when I saw my lambs in my fields was lots of little 50p pieces running about. Didn't get overtime during lambing season but got 50p per tail the following month. Still think the boss got the best deal at the time.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #32
      We all eat meat and the children know that beef is cow etc but I didn't want to watch the slaughter process thanks.

      I understand pretty much what it is all about but I seriously couldn't give up eating meat even if I wanted to. The alternative protein source is nuts and I am allergic to those. Also can't eat tomatoes and some other veg.

      I understand that some people don't want to eat meat because of the 'lovely little lamb/cow/piggy' sentiment, but I wonder if they think it through. If everyone gives up eating pork, we will never see pigs as there won't be any need for them - other than for leather (which I guess as we would all be veggies we would do without). Sheep might be seen as they would perhaps be kept for wool, but that would be very expensive and possibly they would become rare as the price of keeping sheep for one fleece a year would put farmers off. Cows would be kept for milk but again, they have to have a calf every year to keep production going - what would happen to male calves which would not give milk? Or would they be genetically altered to only produce females? This would also be true if goats were used for milk although well bred milking goats can produce milk without having babies and even some male goats from good milk lines have been known to go into production.

      I remember my mum buying some day old chicks to fatten for the freezer, we all raised a stink and said 'how can we eat those lovely fluffy babies?' however, 12 weeks later they were big, ugly birds with very few feathers and hardly able to walk (they are bred to get big and not move about much) and it was a blessing to put them in the oven - boy did they taste good!!

      Rant done - off to put the bacon on.

      Also, Beefy, I make all my own sausages and burgers for that very reason.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #33
        I too was brought up on a farm so i realise what goes on in slaughter houses and thats one of the main reasons i wouldnt eat any meat bought from a supermarket.

        Infact i havn't eaten meat for about 30 years, i would never suggest that everyone became vegetarian - but for me personally i cannot stand how the animals are brought up, conditions they are kept, what they are fed on, how they die etc.............such awful disrespect for animals and their livelyhood

        If i ever eat meat again it will be from an animal i can be sure has been treated properly and with the utmost respect - as im sure many of you smallholders do

        What i would really like to see is animals living in their natural environment, eating their natural diets, caught, killed, cooked and eaten with respect - well i can dream!
        The closer to nature I become the more alive I am!


        • #34
          Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
          We all eat meat and the children know that beef is cow etc but I didn't want to watch the slaughter process thanks.

          I understand pretty much what it is all about but I seriously couldn't give up eating meat even if I wanted to. The alternative protein source is nuts and I am allergic to those. Also can't eat tomatoes and some other veg.

          I understand that some people don't want to eat meat because of the 'lovely little lamb/cow/piggy' sentiment, but I wonder if they think it through. If everyone gives up eating pork, we will never see pigs as there won't be any need for them - other than for leather (which I guess as we would all be veggies we would do without). Sheep might be seen as they would perhaps be kept for wool, but that would be very expensive and possibly they would become rare as the price of keeping sheep for one fleece a year would put farmers off. Cows would be kept for milk but again, they have to have a calf every year to keep production going - what would happen to male calves which would not give milk? Or would they be genetically altered to only produce females? This would also be true if goats were used for milk although well bred milking goats can produce milk without having babies and even some male goats from good milk lines have been known to go into production.

          I remember my mum buying some day old chicks to fatten for the freezer, we all raised a stink and said 'how can we eat those lovely fluffy babies?' however, 12 weeks later they were big, ugly birds with very few feathers and hardly able to walk (they are bred to get big and not move about much) and it was a blessing to put them in the oven - boy did they taste good!!

          Rant done - off to put the bacon on.

          Also, Beefy, I make all my own sausages and burgers for that very reason.

          !, there are plenty of other protien sources, tofu, dairy and quorn to name a few

          2, people become vegetarian for a number of reasons. Personaly, MY CHOICE, nothing to do with pretty baby animals playing in the field but very much to do with the horendous condiditons most animals are kept in their entire life before slaughter. Most of the bacon sold in this country is imported, no uk guidelines to their welfair and no prancing around in the field wallowing in mud, they are kept in crampt conditions and the male pigs are castated at a young age by simply cutting off the penis without any pain relief. NOT NICE. I know there are good organic, animal friendly farmers out there but I can not afford to buy this product and have been without meat so long now that the thought rather disgusts me. I could raise my own chicken to kill for food but my chucks are my pets and I would no more eat them than I would a pet dog.

          3. 12 week old chucks too big to walk and no feathers? what type of chucks were they? obviously the hybrid types destined for the broiler houses which should most definately be BANNED. No animal should be bread so that at less than 3 months old their limbs can not support their own body weight.

          also you say they were big and ugly which contradicts your first statemnt which says you may not have eaten them if they were still "lovely and little"


          • #35
            Serenity, I never meant to imply that everyone should eat meat. As with religion everyone is entitled to their own view. Just wanted to point out that if everyone stopped eating meat there would be very few animals to be seen.

            My apologies if I offended anyone by my remarks, it was not my intention.
            Happy Gardening,


            • #36
              Unfortunately I missed these programmes on TV. Ain't got my Slingbox yet so I cannot see these UK telly progs. And the Shirlthegirl keeps forgetting to record them. Are they due to be repeated anytime in the future, or has anyone recorded them? If so, I would behappy to bung a few DVD's in the mail to get copies.

              As we are confirmed carnivores Shirls always makes her own sossies and burgers, and as much meat as possible is bought from the local butcher or farmers market. At least this way we can be sure the meat is local and we can discuss the well being of the animals before we buy. Happy flesh is always tasty flesh. My mother came from a farming background in Holland and she always witnessed the slaughter of animals for food. This does instill a respect for mother nature and helps one appreciate how wasteful our society has become.

              What horrified me recently was I read that some kids thought eggs came from cows! Wassat all about?

              A good friend of mine used to be a butcher. Had some real horror stories from him. It is a free society and we all takes our choice as to what we eat. As long as we make an educated choice and take responsibility for these choices no-one can complain. And if no-one forces their view point on me, they will have a long and happy life!!!
              Let's go diggin' dirt....

              Big silver bird, come land low and slow
              Cut your engines, cool your wings,
              You've taken me home...


              • #37
                the male pigs are castated at a young age by simply cutting off the penis without any pain relief.

                Your argument might stand up better if you did not talk rubbish, castration is the removal of the testicles, all castrated male animals cattle/pigs/sheep have a penis it cost too much to do gender realignment on animals


                • #38
                  This is something that I sort of struggle with in chez moi.

                  I've seen enough blood and guts, animal and human, to last me a lifetime. Shot a few animals in my time also, all for humanitarian purposes.

                  I have friends here who raise sheep, pigs and various feathery things to eat, all organic and I buy them direct - cooking is my other main obsession so I'm always on the lookout for good basic food and I buy all the meat dressed/prepared, even bacon and sausages made the proper way, none of that steaming odds and ends of carcasses here, proper cuts of meat used throughout.

                  This year it's the hives and the bees, next year it's the chickens and ducks, maybe guinea fowl also.

                  I'm not sure about necking them tho. I've got a chum - lady farmer along the road who does her chickens and things in regularly - and she's offered to knock them off and do the business for me by cleaning them (she probably makes pate with the innards, I do make checken liver pate sometime - and plucking them so perhaps I'll go with that.

                  Do I need to see it on a television programme - I think not.

                  Interesting aside - it's the annual salon for agriculture at the huge market hall in Versailles this week - and the prize fowl and cattle made it onto national news this evening as they do every year. And it's a must be seen at place for politicians every year, election happening or not.
                  Last edited by TonyF; 09-03-2007, 07:29 PM.
                  TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                  • #39
                    penis/balls which would you choose? I MAY NOT have used the correct termonology and I apologise for that. you are using a low blow to try and undermine my argument.

                    I would like to add that if you read thro any post that I have ever made then you would see that I am not a person who is argumentative for the sake of it and definately do not try to convert ANYONE to vegetarianism. Also I hold shirl in the highest regard but very rarely , VERY RARELY, I have to make my small voice herd.


                    • #40
                      Low blow, balls and penis?
                      TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                      • #41
                        You are using emotive misinformation to justify your argument, all you have to do is tell the truth and let people decide for themselves, if you are ignorant of the fact go and find the truth dont make thing up.


                        • #42
                          I do not believe I am telling lies, people can find out for themselves if they want to.


                          • #43
                            I also hold Shirl in the highest regard as well Serenity. If I don't out comes the wet fish..!!

                            Some very good points being bounced about on this thread. Got me on the edge of my seat! But it was starting to get a bit heated and emotional and that ruins a good brain chewing debate. Impartiality was disappearing...

                            Anyway, I cannot comment, ain't seen the proggy yet - so if anyone has a copy, please let me know and maybe it can be copied. It is not out of morbid desire that I wish to see the proggy. I have seen enough human morbidity in my life to ever want to see any more. It might even change my outlook a bit.
                            Let's go diggin' dirt....

                            Big silver bird, come land low and slow
                            Cut your engines, cool your wings,
                            You've taken me home...


                            • #44
                              I think everyone has a right to their own opinoins and each opinion is equally valid This is the only way i know to learn ANYTHING!

                              Indeed this topic will always create heated debates but i dont think anyone should take it personally or be offended its just different points of view..........................where's all the love?? LOL!
                              The closer to nature I become the more alive I am!



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by PAULW View Post
                                You are using emotive misinformation to justify your argument, all you have to do is tell the truth and let people decide for themselves, if you are ignorant of the fact go and find the truth dont make thing up.
                                So much hot air Paul - you are better at this than me.
                                The law will hang the man or woman
                                Who steals the goose from off the common
                                But lets the greater thief go loose
                                Who steals the common from the goose


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