Population - 61,792,000
Working age (16 - 65) = 62% of pop. = 38,311,040
Long-term unemployed = 772,000. Less than 2% of the working age population.
These 'scroungers' who are supposedly 'content' to live on JSA are not taking over the country! They, assuming they exist at all, are a tiny minority who may well be a burden on society even if their benefits were cut, through drug abuse, thefts etc etc. The people that these policies will hurt the most are the ones that play by the book, and do not deserve to be penalised.
Frankly, I'm shocked by some of the attitudes being expressed, it seems that the right-wing media are doing a great job of having us all turn on each other
Population - 61,792,000
Working age (16 - 65) = 62% of pop. = 38,311,040
Long-term unemployed = 772,000. Less than 2% of the working age population.
These 'scroungers' who are supposedly 'content' to live on JSA are not taking over the country! They, assuming they exist at all, are a tiny minority who may well be a burden on society even if their benefits were cut, through drug abuse, thefts etc etc. The people that these policies will hurt the most are the ones that play by the book, and do not deserve to be penalised.
Frankly, I'm shocked by some of the attitudes being expressed, it seems that the right-wing media are doing a great job of having us all turn on each other
