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Iain Duncan Smith
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Originally posted by PAULW View PostIf you look at the FT index and IMF report someone out there thinks the government proposals are the right thing to doAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Iain Duncan Smith.....pft!
What does this multi-millionaire know about life on benefits or poverty? When has he ever had to go without?
He did a tv programme last year where he had to live one benefits in a tower block for ONE week......he walked out after less than ONE DAY. Bottler!
As for the proposal to force people into unpaid manual labour.......what is the difference between that and a community service order passed down by the courts? There is none.
Plus, under the current system those who have been unemployed for a while undertake a 6 week work placement in a suitable area. This is not at all demeaning or belittling.
I hope all those who are backing this plan from their ivory tower of employment would be first in line to scrape up chewing gum if ever they are unlucky enough to be made redundant.
Originally posted by PAULW View PostWell thats the slack management of new liebour for you
During the end of the 1970's into the 1980's British Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the City of London financial interests who backed her, introduced wholesale measures of privatization, state budget cuts, moves against labor and deregulation of the financial markets. She did so in parallel with similar moves in the USA initiated by advisers around President Ronald Reagan. The claim was that hard medicine was needed to curb inflation and that the bloated state bureaucracy was a central problem.
For almost three decades, Anglo-American university economic faculties have turned to Thatcherite deregulation of financial markets as ‘the efficient way,' in the process, undoing many of the hard-fought gains secured for personal social security, public health care and pension security of the population. Now the ‘poster child' economy of the Thatcher Revolution, Great Britain, is sinking like the proverbial Titanic, a testimony to the incompetence of what is generally called Neo-liberalism or free market ideology.
As the Neo-liberal revolution began in the economies of the USA and UK, it should not be not surprising that the epi-center of catastrophe in the global crisis now unfolding also lies with the economies of the USA and UK, as well as a handful of economies, including Ireland Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland, all of which embraced the free market Thatcherite agenda most strongly in recent years
http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Last edited by SarzWix; 10-11-2010, 09:04 PM.
Originally posted by Two_Sheds View PostBut that's like everything: one side will say "we're doing well" while some other sector says "oh doom and gloom, house prices are plunging"
Thats the problem the house prices are to high in the first place and instead of new labour stepping in and raising the interest rates to slow down the market they just told the house holders look how much your house is worth look how wealthy you have become under new labour, the down side was as the house prices soared the rent also went up so the poorest people struggle to find somewhere decent to liveLast edited by zazen999; 12-11-2010, 05:29 PM.
People say 'don't go to uni, get a trade by doing an apprenticeship' but there are just as few of those available as there are to us older guys!
Plus, people always say that Labour created the 'mess' we're in now, but wasn't it Margaret Thatcher who removed all those traditional working-class jobs, such as manufacturing and mining? Was there generational worklessness before Thatcher came into office? No, I tells thee!
Originally posted by Cosmo and Dibs View PostPeople say 'don't go to uni, get a trade by doing an apprenticeship' but there are just as few of those available as there are to us older guys!
Plus, people always say that Labour created the 'mess' we're in now, but wasn't it Margaret Thatcher who removed all those traditional working-class jobs, such as manufacturing and mining? Was there generational worklessness before Thatcher came into office? No, I tells thee!
Originally posted by PAULW View PostWho was it that bankrupted the country before maggie came into office, oh thats right sunny jim callaghan's labour party
We then had to go "cap in hand" to the IMF.
To be honest the economy has been sick since he end of WWII.The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
Brian Clough
It wasn't giving the BofE control over interest rates that caused the problem, it was the deregulation of financial markets. Not the same thing at all. And if you read the rest of that article, it cites the loss of our manufacturing and production of 'goods', and turning the country to dependence on the 'service industry' as major parts of the problem too.
Originally posted by SarzWix View PostIt wasn't giving the BofE control over interest rates that caused the problem, it was the deregulation of financial markets. Not the same thing at all. And if you read the rest of that article, it cites the loss of our manufacturing and production of 'goods', and turning the country to dependence on the 'service industry' as major parts of the problem too.& the privatisation of Steel,Gas,Water,Electricity,British Telecom & British Airways.(I think there are others?)
The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
Brian Clough
One thing that is different now - that wasn't here in previous times of recession / depression - is the high levels debt that individual households have to bear. That is never going to go away, regardless of what IDS says - and will haunt families who are struggling to survive.
Cause? Irresponsible and easy credit from greedy banks - and naive borrowers.Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?
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