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Iain Duncan Smith


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  • Give them easy credit get them into debt rack up the interest rate(on credit cards& bank loans )
    They can't afford to go on strike.
    A good way of keeping inflation under control.
    The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
    Brian Clough


    • I'm sure there is a good deal of truth in what you suggest BW. If people are tied into the system by borrowing, they are less likely to kick against it.
      And who introduced vast swathes of public renters to become private mortgage payers?
      You got it!
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
        I'm sure there is a good deal of truth in what you suggest BW. If people are tied into the system by borrowing, they are less likely to kick against it.
        And who introduced vast swathes of public renters to become private mortgage payers?
        You got it!
        And to enlarge the mortgage market sell off council houses at a knock down price.
        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
        Brian Clough


        • Originally posted by PAULW View Post
          house prices are to high the house prices soared the rent also went up so the poorest people struggle to find somewhere decent to live
          There used to be council houses...

          Originally posted by Cosmo and Dibs View Post
          wasn't it Margaret Thatcher who removed all those traditional working-class jobs, such as manufacturing and mining?
          and who was it that decided to reduce the dole numbers by moving people (ex-miners) onto Incapacity Benefit instead? Now those incapacitated scroungers are being told to get back on JSA

          Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
          turning the country to dependence on the 'service industry' ...
          then outsourcing the call centres to India

          Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
          And to enlarge the mortgage market sell off council houses at a knock down price.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • IDS is on radio 4 right now, being challenged on forcing the unemployed into non-existent jobs. He only really said "we've just had the greatest period of growth and created 4 million jobs during those 13 years"

            I'm confused?
            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 11-11-2010, 08:31 AM.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
              the banking cock-up goes back to Thatcher's deregulation of the financial markets in the early 80s.
              Everything that's wrong with Britain today is Thatcher's fault. Health 'n' Safety excesses? She deregulated the legal profession, making no-win-no-fee arrangements possible, which led to ambulance-chasing legal firms advertising on T.V. (and 'twas her who allowed lawyers to advertise for the first time, too), which led to the present paranoia amongst employers and schools.
              Current unemployment? She all-but destroyed this county's manufacturing base.
              Global warming? Give me time: I'm sure I can work out why that's her fault as well.
              Tour of my back garden mini-orchard.


              • paul w ; i think the only real mistake that new labour made, was in that it forgot it was labour, and bought in to tory policies, courtesy of blair. i am going to have to admit; a nasty part of me will be laughing when some of the fervant tory supportors lose thier jobs, and see what it is really like to live on the lower side of the earnings scale. having worked , but still been poor all of my life, i like to think that i have compassion for people less well of than me, and that includes people who might not have worked for a few years, which to my mind is NOT the same as someone mugging someone, ( can't remember which of our world- wise leaders said that?) who then can possibly die from injuries sustained during that attack.

                but i think it is a waste of breathe to say any more- when people think they are right it is useless to waste energy trying to convince them otherwise, isn't it?

                does mr. c. and his friends have a solution for the children of the people who might lose thier subsistance payment?


                • The Tories are now saying turn down three jobs & loose your benefit for three years umph...........I was not offered ONE in three & a half years only two interviews.
                  Yes it's all one big con the joke shop did nothing to help me "get" work in all that time only send me out to new deal for 13 weeks( I did quite enjoy) BUT the good old joke shop could find me nowt.
                  Last edited by bubblewrap; 11-11-2010, 12:19 PM.
                  The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                  Brian Clough


                  • paul w ; i think the only real mistake that new labour made, was in that it forgot it was labour, and bought in to tory policies,

                    New labour came to power with no idea's and in thirteen years they still never had an idea.
                    You all keep blaming Maggie for the shortcomings of new labour, they had thirteen years in power the introduced more new laws than had been introduced for the previous thousand years how come the country has not got a fantastic manufacturing industry, the best road and rail service imaginable, why did they not build all the houses we are short of,
                    Last edited by zazen999; 12-11-2010, 05:30 PM.


                    • Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
                      turn down three jobs & loose your benefit for three years
                      I wonder what the "3 jobs" will be? At the moment you are expected to take a job that is an hour and a half's commute (whether it is financially worthwhile or not).

                      .... and I wonder if lapdancing and escort ads will begin appearing in the Jobcentre again now?
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • I heard this theory the other day......:

                        The Tories are being extremely tough on the working-classes to punish them for turning against them and voting for the Labour Party in 3 General Elections.

                        Any credence in that?


                        • Originally posted by Cosmo and Dibs View Post
                          I heard this theory the other day......:

                          The Tories are being extremely tough on the working-classes to punish them for turning against them and voting for the Labour Party in 3 General Elections.

                          Any credence in that?
                          Yes, because obviously those in power have nothing better to do than think up petty revenge against those who had the nerve not to vote for them, because obviously all working class people vote Labour and all middle-class and up vote Tory. Sheesh, some people are paranoid.

                          Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day


                          • Originally posted by Caro View Post
                            Yes, because obviously those in power have nothing better to do than think up petty revenge against those who had the nerve not to vote for them, because obviously all working class people vote Labour and all middle-class and up vote Tory. Sheesh, some people are paranoid.
                            You understimate The Nasty Party.


                            • no- the conservatives don't have to do that, because a lot of the people who they are targetting, are the sort of people who have no faith in any polititian, and especially the tories, and so they don't vote at all, because they are too bogged down by trying to put a roof over thier heads, and food on the table.

                              paulw ; you don't have to keep shouting at me!! ( capital letters for my name!) (lol- joking) i am not saying labour got it all right, but at least they tried to help poorer families. we can put blame where we like, according to our opinion, but it is solutions that have to be found.

                              a bit like in a relationship- we can blame each other, but nothing will get done until the differing sides get together and discuss a solution- you have to work past the blame.

                              did anyone see grand design's last night? a repeat, about a couple in france who built a house using old car tyres. they got people to work for free for the " experience". hard graft, and kevin told them it was slave labour. would this not be the solution to housing on the cheap AND punishment for the lack of incentive or oppertunity to work, and we can bury those polluting tyres- out of site, out of mind ? ( don't hit me- i am joking)

                              and i know, and can even understand, that those of a capitalistic mind, or on a high wage, can begrudge supporting a person they percieve as lazy, but have any of those captains of industry ever questioned or cared what the low paid workers thought, about slaving away for a pittance to give the bosses and toffs a high standard of living? imo, it's no wonder some people decided to opt out of the system.


                              • Lindy
                                Why is it always the fault of the rich and the toffs, without someone with a bit of forethought that is going to USE someone to help them for some form of reward to produce something there would be no industry, if someone has a skill that is in more demand than others their reward will be greater than the person with no skill it’s the way of the world, there are people like alan sugar that are not toffs and never will be but they have made and still got a lot of money they have also given people employment .


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