Apart from the obvious like the shops are full of Christmas stuff these are my 3 infallible indicators that Christmas will be happening soon in our house.
1. The polish workers across the road from our farm are working from dawn till after dusk in all weathers cutting undecorated Christmas trees for the shops like there's no tomorrow - it's quite a sight!
2. My mother utters these words "I'm usually further on with the shopping, but this year I'm all behind" (every year without fail)
3. We start buying biscuits for cheese by the shed load.
Anyone else got any?
1. The polish workers across the road from our farm are working from dawn till after dusk in all weathers cutting undecorated Christmas trees for the shops like there's no tomorrow - it's quite a sight!
2. My mother utters these words "I'm usually further on with the shopping, but this year I'm all behind" (every year without fail)
3. We start buying biscuits for cheese by the shed load.
Anyone else got any?