Little girls are so easy to get things for, little boys or rather a bit bigger boys not so easy.
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Stocking ideas
Originally posted by northepaul View PostMy daughter whose 7 is the only one who has a stocking!!My other two (24 and 19) are a bit old now .
I do one for my husband! I put some "Popcorn on the Cob" in his last year! Was Fun and only a pound or two, Found it in lakeland. They also do a twirly spaghetti fork that I gues a boy of that age would love!or a girl of my age.....
my boys are only 6 and 3, but in their stocking they have so far, sticker books, marbles, character bath foam, novelty socks, personalised mini money box and bouncy ball, ligh-up snowglobe thing that whizzes round, whoopee cushion, childrens baking book, pooing reindeer sweetie toy, mr men book, cheap dvd from wilkos, think one is the wiggles and one is ben 10, a shaker thing that makes a horrible noise and will be in the bin by boxing day or confiscated! and some chocolate coins
Right having read all those I can say their stockings are done!
I guess little girls may like, hair slides, and bobbles, little purses, funky tights mini nail polishes, hair glitter type things, funky pencils or pens, or rubbers, little keyrings, lady bird books are usually found on offer in budgeons for 4 for a fiver too
I have two slightly older girls (23 and 20) and they usually have those small travel sized bottles of different hair and beauty products along with socks ,choccies etc. Some of the cheaper chemists like superdrug have things like mini bottles of perfume etc quite often on a multipurchase offer....S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
For stocking fillers for those who are 'really too old for that sort of thing', I get things from (I Want One Of Those). They do fun, sometimes useful, but even then mostly a bit silly (in a fun way) items at every price from a couple of � up to hundreds, and it is fun simply looking through the website!
If you can't find them a gift there, either they are VERY fussy, or they take life far too seriously!Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.
Actually I am going to be making my OH a hamper (I dont really have enough money to buy him a vintage ford capri which is top of his list)....I know not a stocking, but still have to fill it with small things, pref homemade. So far, I have some raspberry jam and (not made yet but will be nearer the time) butter shortbread. No idea what else yet, he's a bit of a fussy b***er!
I don't do stockings, but I do buy Mr TS "stocking" type gifts, all the things I don't normally let him have: chocolate, crackers, cheese, junk cereals etc. He thinks it's really lame that I wrap them all up. I always make up a box of special ales tooAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I call it a stocking but it's really a carrier bag/box for my sons - 31 and 28 - socks, smellies, T-shirt/polo shirt/shirt that I get in the sales (I start buying stuff in the summer when I see it available) sweeties, Pringles or nuts, home made mince pies, pickles, jams etc. The elder one is a keen cook so he is getting homemade vanilla sugar, chilli oil, herbs that I am growing now for him so he can put them on his windowsill. The younger one is a reader, so I have got a load of books (not all brand new) for him. Girlfriends are easy - undies, silly socks, tights, smellies, sweets, hair products, plain black/white T shirt type top from M&S or BHS, fruit teas, emery boards, nail polish, lipgloss, lip balm etc etc.
I may be the odd one out here and you will all say bah humbug but once we had turned 18 our family agreed that we wouldn't buy each other anything ... me and my partner do the same. It saves so much stress, been doing it for nearly 20 years now and I can't say I miss it .
My MIL still insists on buying me bath stuff even though I haven't got a bath ... grrrrrrrrGill
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