We've had Small Tortoiseshells flitting around for a few weeks now.
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First Butterfly of the year
Have seen quite a few yellow brimstones around lately and saw my first cabbage white today. Also today spotted the sadly common and very ugly vandal butterfly. Appears floating as if from nowhere, usually during the easter holiday. Brief respite usually provided between the months of april and early july. Then, as with the cabbage white, all hell breaks loose for approx 2 months.
We've had peacocks, small tortoiseshell, brimstone (they used to be mega rare) and the first holly blue yesterday. Brimstones have such a flittery flight that I've never managed to pohotograph one.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
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by Marb67I have just given it a real pruning before it comes into leaf in the hope of getting some regeneration and the tree not having to work as hard getting water and nutrients higher up. If this doesn't work I'll replace it next year with something else.
Ps, why when I upload an image do I get...1 PhotoToday, 01:40 PM
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