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My cat's freaking me out!


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  • My cat's freaking me out!

    I'm sat at my computer desk and my moggie Louis is on the windowsill looking up at the light on the ceiling (behind me) as though he's watching something. He's looking quite animated and whatever it is is moving all round the room down to the table and and up again quite quickly. There's no bugs flying around room and he's startng to scare me a bit. (it's very quiet here, no one else around!)
    He has done similar things to this before but usually just staring at a corner of the room (same room) and not looking quite as animated- you know how cats look when they start to watch something when they want to play or pounce?
    Anyone else have a cat that does this and what do you make of it?
    Gardening forever- housework whenever

  • #2
    Yes my Boys do that too......most often nothing to be seen, but sometimes I think they hear mice in the roof..... even though I cant hear them.
    They even look at me sometimes as if I have two heads (cleaver cats) one cat looks like he has alien eyes that are watching me.....really quite spooky - its as if he is 'reading' me. I love them both to bits though and hate being away from them.
    My very dear lovely old boys they do spook me every now and again though!

    ps lettucegrow - is that him on your avatar - he is a lovely looking puss cat
    Last edited by Headfry; 29-11-2010, 08:58 AM.


    • #3
      Tis the ghost of Christmas future
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        I have 3 cats and it is quite normal for them to stare at nothing in particular and then go daft. I think most of the time they do it to see what reaction they get. I'm sure that all cats are running a psychological experiment on humans to see if they have to take over the world or not.


        • #5
          We had one that used to stare at a patch on the wall above your head, when you were sitting watching telly. It used to freak my Sister out; she'd leap off the chair and look to see what he was staring at. Nothing. Then one evening she decided to ignore him. Later when she got up to go to the loo, she saw a huge Spider on the wall where the Cat had been looking. I swear the Cat was grinning!
          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


          • #6
            Our dog used to do that. My sister and I were kids at the time and Sis used to reckon she (dog) was checking on the family ghosts!
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              One of mine does the same - she gets into the corner of the room (any room) and stands up on back legs facing the wall then spins her head � la Exorcist styleee.

              Totally freaks Snowdrop but makes me laugh - I tell him she is playing with her (imaginary) friends


              • #8
                Yesheadfry, thats him. He came from rescue centre and was really tatty and scrawny looking. He' s lord of the manor now and we all adore him. He is my baby though and is never far away from me. He did spook me, maybe we're haunted!
                Gardening forever- housework whenever


                • #9
                  Jake will suddenly stop and stare at something that's not there .........spooky
                  S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                  a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                  You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                  • #10
                    Cats/Dogs, like most animals are very sensative to atmospheric changes. Daft they are not, so spooks could be right, cold spot in the room, Mmmm you never know lol.

                    Help Wildlife.
                    Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


                    • #11
                      My little dog, god bless her, frequently did that. The cat does sometimes when she is in, but she isnt often in the same room with me, she prefers my daughter's bedroom, it gets the sun

                      We put it down to ghosties. My philosophy is, if someone who lived here before, liked the place so much they wanted to hang about, then I am very happy to have them. They dont interfere with our lives and we have a happy house. it freaks the daughters out a bit though, but we got used to it.

                      �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                      Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                      • #12
                        I thought all cats did that. It's because they see dead people. They are also psychic. When I still lived at the 'rents, our late moggy used to be waiting for you when you got home. He also used to appear at the door just as you were about to sit down for tea. I'm telling you they are psychic, freaky fur balls on legs.


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