Snadgers weight loss record
9th Jan = 16st 8.5lb's ......... start weight
16th Jan = 16st 1.5lb's..........7lb's lost
23rd Jan = 15st 11lb's ...........4.5lb's lost
30th Jan = 15st 6lb's ............5lb's lost
6th Feb = 15 st 3lb's ............3lb lost
13th Feb = 15st 1 lb .............2lb's lost
20th Feb = 15st 2 lb..............1lb gain!
27th Feb = 15st 1lb...............1lb lost
6th Mar = 14st 13lb..............2lb lost
13h Mar = 15st 1lb...............2lb gain!
20th Mar = 14st 11lb.............4lb loss
Gave myself a 'kick up the backside' after last weeks weight gain and went on a three day diet (Mon, Tues, Wed). Consequently I dropped down to 14st 8lb at one point, but finished the week with a rather respectable, even if I do say so myself, 4lb loss!
