Yesterday a cup of water was spilled over my laptop, I quickly turned it over to get most of the water out, but it turned itself off almost immediately.
I used a paper towel to soak up as much water as poss, but I didn't have the correct screwdriver to open the back and towel dry. Used my hair dryer over the keyboard and placed laptop near a storage heater. But still it will only light up for a few sections when I turn it on, and then it's dead again.
Have now got a screwdriver and have taken all screws out of the back, but it won't open fully. At the centre of the back, is a metal bit/connector that is blue plastic with holes in it, for whatever you connect to it. Anyway this seems to be the only thing that is stopping the back coming off. Any ideas of how to remove the back fully, so I can attempt to dry it out fully?
Anyone experienced a water damage problem and being able to get the laptop working again?
I used a paper towel to soak up as much water as poss, but I didn't have the correct screwdriver to open the back and towel dry. Used my hair dryer over the keyboard and placed laptop near a storage heater. But still it will only light up for a few sections when I turn it on, and then it's dead again.
Have now got a screwdriver and have taken all screws out of the back, but it won't open fully. At the centre of the back, is a metal bit/connector that is blue plastic with holes in it, for whatever you connect to it. Anyway this seems to be the only thing that is stopping the back coming off. Any ideas of how to remove the back fully, so I can attempt to dry it out fully?
Anyone experienced a water damage problem and being able to get the laptop working again?