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Irrational fears


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  • #46
    Originally posted by Munch View Post
    Just continuing the title of the thread...

    I have a weird thing/fear/cringeworthy yukness about wet wood

    Oh and stairs
    How can you have a fear of stairs???

    I did another drive today to pick something up from freecycle. Think that's enough bravery for a week now


    • #47
      I used to get really anxious driving anywhere. First DH used to do most of the driving while I organised crowd control for the children! When it was just me and the children I had to step up and drive everywhere, even drove them to France on holiday, but the planning that went into any drive to a new place was intense and my anxiety levels were through the roof! But after I successfully drove myself through Swindon on the first day we got the Sat Nav I was a complete Sat Nav convert
      Life is too short for drama & petty things!
      So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


      • #48
        I used to have a "fear" of velvet when I was younger (college age) and my fellow students used to have fun putting off-cuts of velvet in my coat pocket and such.

        Not exactly fearful of it now, but I still don't like the feel of it.

        Incidentally, the sat nav feature on my phone presents me with a picture of my destination upon arrival. Very useful.
        A simple dude trying to grow veg.

        BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

        Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

        What would Vedder do?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
          How can you have a fear of stairs???

          I did another drive today to pick something up from freecycle. Think that's enough bravery for a week now
          I dont like high stairs, stiars that have a view of far down! I get really nervous and think I am going to trip and fall all the way down.

          It started when I was little and went up to see big ben, climbing the 100's of unevem stairs spiraling round with views higher and higher up!

          We went to an old riun of a castle a while ago and to get down from the top you have to go down some concrete stairs (old) attached to the side of the castle there was just a small metal rail the opposite side to the castle wall, it wasn't even that high up, but I had to stand at the top and wait for my heart to stopp racing so I could stop my legs froms shaking just to go down them!

          Escelatotors that are high does the same.... oh and yes I hate heights too
          Little ol' me

          Has just bagged a Lottie!
          Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
          FIL and MIL -


          • #50
            The actual stairs don't bother me Munch but I'm awful in shopping precincts or shops that have an open type upstairs...even though they have glass wall/barrier type things I'm terrified either I or the kiddies are going to fall....stupid I know.
            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


            • #51
              Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
              How can you have a fear of stairs???
              Says the woman who's scared of driving down the road

              Wasn't it irrational fears?
              "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

              Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


              • #52
                I hate heights, so bridges, and steep stairs make me uncomfortable. I also hate enclosed spaces, that includes lifts, and crowds. Although I am better than I used to be - mind over matter - you can talk yourself out of things, if you try hard enough.

                As a kid, I had a total phobia of fungus - I wouldn't even walk past a tree with fungus growing on it. Now, as a gardener, I regularly come into contact with it, and whilst I still won't actually touch it with my bare hands, I don't have a pink fit any more!

                One of my biggest fears, and guaranteed to make me flip in an instant, is being held/restrained against my will. So, No, bondage isn't one of my pastimes! LOL
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                  I hate heights, so bridges, and steep stairs make me uncomfortable. I also hate enclosed spaces, that includes lifts, and crowds. Although I am better than I used to be - mind over matter - you can talk yourself out of things, if you try hard enough.

                  As a kid, I had a total phobia of fungus - I wouldn't even walk past a tree with fungus growing on it. Now, as a gardener, I regularly come into contact with it, and whilst I still won't actually touch it with my bare hands, I don't have a pink fit any more!

                  One of my biggest fears, and guaranteed to make me flip in an instant, is being held/restrained against my will. So, No, bondage isn't one of my pastimes! LOL
                  We a quite similar, apart from the fungus thing. I dont do crowds or being restrained, or if the OH puts the duvet over my head 'for a laugh' I dont laugh much. Also cant sleep if anything is near my nose!
                  Last edited by Munch; 14-01-2011, 12:38 PM.
                  Little ol' me

                  Has just bagged a Lottie!
                  Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
                  FIL and MIL -


                  • #54
                    I can't sleep with my feet uncovered...I used to have nightmares about a black wolf like beast at the bottom of my bed that would eat them if they were out of the blankets....although I'm pretty certain it's irrational now it's still stuck
                    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                    • #55
                      I have to sleep with the wardrobe closed so the monsters don't get out, that's down to sharing a bedroom with my big sister as a kid.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Munch View Post
                        I dont like high stairs, stiars that have a view of far down!
                        You've just reminded me of a recurring dream I had as a child, that of falling down stairs - I'd kick my legs and wake myself up I never actually have fallen down stairs, so I don't know why my unconscious mind bothered to worry about it

                        Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                        I can't sleep with my feet uncovered...
                        and I can't sleep without something covering me: even on the hottest nights I need a cotton sheet to cling on to
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                          ... and I can't sleep without something covering me: even on the hottest nights I need a cotton sheet to cling on to
                          I used to be the same. Hot flushes have made a big difference to that!

                          The other thing about stairs, that really makes me wobbly, is if they have no risers, just treads. I hate being able to see through them. I got over it for a long while, as the steps to my old flat were open, but I've gone right off them again now!
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


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