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Theft from a fellow allotmentee


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  • #16
    Blimey you lot, its enough to put you off having an allotment isnt it??!!


    • #17
      It's always a shame when fellow plot holders aren't the people you'd hope for (although I am with Lizzy to some extent - is this chap perhaps a bit 'special needs'? ).

      Chopper, you are funny I know for an absolute fact that you're not the only big hard man on the Vine but the others would rather talk about gardening than how macho they are. Perhaps you could try it!?
      I was feeling part of the scenery
      I walked right out of the machinery
      My heart going boom boom boom
      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
      I've come to take you home."


      • #18
        Originally posted by lizzylemon View Post
        Dottie, are you completely sure he took it with sinister intent and not just a very silly, stupid misunderstanding? You say he's a bit dim, so is it not possible that he saw the bags stacked near the raspberries and thought you'd maybe left them there for him?

        I know it's a bit of a long shot, but the fact that he didn't steal it all, left a trail and then the actual bags in plan view suggest to me someone who doesn't think they have any thing to hide....

        You're probably right but it does seem very open for someone who knows they've stolen something.
        No confusion or misunderstanding, he just thought he could get away with and probably didn't think that I would march straight on to his plot. He'd have loved another opportunity of ranting about folk off site who come and steal and damage plots. He's not dim in the sense of the village idiot, but his conversations are limited. Plus he's had a plot for 30 years and yet even has limited knowledge about growing stuff, I should be asking him for advice, not the other way around.

        Because my bags of manure had holes in, then they automatically loose bits as you lift them up onto the path, where he then placed it into my wheel barrow that I said he could transport the raspberries in, because I didn't want him dropping loads of dirt aliong my paths. So as you can tell, I was very clear of what he could and couldn't do on my plot, and I joked that he probably has to be less careful at home. So as there was no soil on my paved paths as requested, then I think as he'd finished transporting the raspberries and returned my wheel barrow back to the other side of my plot, he then found it too difficult to walk away without the manure. So as he went to carry it off, saw that he'd not manage to carry it successfully, and rather than going back to get the wheel barrow, he grabbed another bin liner that was handy and then place my small bags into it. Leaving me with 1 bag, as he didn't want to be totally mean and take it all.
        Last edited by Dottie; 16-01-2011, 04:20 PM. Reason: I was mid way and didn't mean to submit


        • #19
          Originally posted by pipkins View Post
          I got to my plot yesterday to find all of my new long canes about 30 from last year have been taken along with a couple of bags of manure Another plot holder a few down from me has had 30 paving slabs taken.

          I also retrieved my closhe from amothe plot holders plot

          Makes me real mad
          Allotment holders are just like the rest of the community, some folk you just know to keep more of an eye than others. It's interesting in someways that I just knew it was him, whereas there are other old guys at the site who I know I would never have come to the same conclusion.

          To remove 30 paving stones, now that is bold. Out in the open and bold as brass, because they don't think they will get caught and most times they don't.


          • #20
            Originally posted by northepaul View Post
            Blimey you lot, its enough to put you off having an allotment isnt it??!!
            I took mine on knowing that such things are common place, in fact a guy living just up the road from the plot, told me that's why he'd decided not to take on a plot. Maybe it happens less on committee run sites, but we just pay the council a small fee and just get on with it. To be honest, I'd rather have a few so called "misunderstandings", than having a committee wandering around informing me of new rules etc.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
              It's always a shame when fellow plot holders aren't the people you'd hope for (although I am with Lizzy to some extent - is this chap perhaps a bit 'special needs'? ).

              Chopper, you are funny I know for an absolute fact that you're not the only big hard man on the Vine but the others would rather talk about gardening than how macho they are. Perhaps you could try it!?
              No he's definitely not special needs, there are a lot of daft/stupid folk out there. Most of the time we just don't mix or have any contact with them, where as on an allotment we end up mixing with a wider range the community. To be fair the diversity of folk you meet on the site, makes it interesting as well as at times, tiresome.

              To be fair to chopper, many years ago I too would have got angry and maybe wanted to see justice. But having worked within the criminal justice system, you get to soon realise there is not much point, as even if everyone including the person who has committed the crime, knows/admits they did it, without evidence you have no case. As has been demonstrated on here, his defence could be I hadn't actually said he couldn't take it, so it was a just a case of misunderstanding and both parties need to be more careful and clear in the future. (This I've noted and won't offer again).

              No I was not a copper, but have worked with ex-offenders and folk on bail in the past, with at least 75% getting off due to lack of evidence. For example, a mugging took place and the victim was able to identify my drug user client, the client had the wallet on him when the police stopped him. So seems like and open and shut case, especially since my client was happy to admit it, because prison for him was better than living at the Sally Army and having to attend my drug programme. But the case was dropped as soon as he met with a solicitor, who told him to say he happened to find the wallet in the street. It turned out that it came down to his word against the victim he stole it from, as the victim didn't realise he needed a witness to the event taking place. So if it happens to you, ask anyone around to be a witness and take their details. Lots of cases worse than that, which I found shocking and had no idea how much folk can get away with, if they choose to.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Dottie View Post
                So if it happens to you, ask anyone around to be a witness and take their details. Lots of cases worse than that, which I found shocking and had no idea how much folk can get away with, if they choose to.
                Very good advice - you can still assume the best about people that way if you like, but plan for the worst just incase. Sad once you see situations that make you realise that justice doesn't often exist though.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rabidbun View Post
                  Very good advice - you can still assume the best about people that way if you like, but plan for the worst just incase. Sad once you see situations that make you realise that justice doesn't often exist though.
                  Yep it's the system I'm afraid, you just need to get yourself a good lawyer and your free to do whatever. As I said the lad in question, was not an evil soul and was more than happy to admit he'd done it, as he really wanted to return to jail, as life on the outside was less secure for him. His past and present situation was sad, but my really heart went out for the guy he'd mugged, who was just going off to work and in broad day light. Firstly to be mugged by a stranger, but then to be robbed of the justice that he and many us believe is there to protect us.

                  I moved on to work with other vulnerable groups, as I didn't think it would be healthy for me to spend too many years working with groups related/linked to the justice system. My role and lots of other roles were paid to support and get back on track folk who had lost their way, but not much money out there for paid supporters of victims.

                  I'm wasn't upset really when the guy took my manure, as my instincts took over immediately and I just knew to take quick and direct action. He just saw an opportunity and took it, he may well have done me a favour, as I am a little relaxed about letting folk onto my plot. I recall 1 young lad who was working hard on trying to overcome the thrill off stealing and was doing really well, until 1 day he broke into a car. He said "How could I just walk passed a car that had so much stuff on display to be stolen, it was calling to me". So from his point of view, I'd set myself up to have my manure nicked, how could the old guy resist. He needs support to deal with foolish folk like me, who are setting him up to steal. Hee, hee.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                    It's always a shame when fellow plot holders aren't the people you'd hope for although I am with Lizzy to some extent - is this chap perhaps a bit 'special needs'?

                    Chopper, you are funny I know for an absolute fact that you're not the only big hard man on the Vine but the others would rather talk about gardening than how macho they are. Perhaps you could try it!?
                    Well do excuse me for commenting on a post in a public thread. A topic that I do feel very strongly about. Pardon me for having old fashioned morals and standards.

                    I have very good reasons to feel angry about thieves plus the incompetance of the local police and thier political masters. The thefts have left a very unpleasant taste in my mouth, hence CCTV at my home and a set of new gates at the front of the house which are locked and chained every night.

                    When I have more to say about gardening, I will drop you a line and ask if it is ok to post it. As it happens I am very much a novice, so cannot contribute very much on the garden threads yet, although I have made an effort. I have spent a lot of my working life involved in personal security, so I know a hell of a lot more about that than I do gardening.

                    Last edited by Chopper; 17-01-2011, 12:43 AM.


                    • #25
                      Ohhhhh handbags.


                      • #26
                        Calm down Chopper. It's only a thread on a forum on the internet. Disagreements are common. Deep breaths mate


                        • #27
                          Hmmm. When someone has asked you, really quite gently, to tone down the macho posturing, I'm not sure responding in such an aggressive and paranoid manner really does you any favours.
                          I was feeling part of the scenery
                          I walked right out of the machinery
                          My heart going boom boom boom
                          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                          I've come to take you home."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Chopper View Post
                            The thefts have left a very unpleasant taste in my mouth, hence CCTV at my home and a set of new gates at the front of the house which are locked and chained every night.
                            Chopper, are you saying someone had the nerve to steal from you??? Brave or stupid or both

                            I know what you mean about contributing more on non-gardening topics than gardening ones - I'm a novice and I feel I post more non-gardening stuff. But I READ the gardening threads thoroughly.

                            Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                              Hmmm. When someone has asked you, really quite gently, to tone down the macho posturing, I'm not sure responding in such an aggressive and paranoid manner really does you any favours.

                              What gives you the right to decide how and what I post? I broke no forum rules. Unless of course, offending the sensibilities of a Moderator is breaking the rules.

                              Enjoy your little power trip.



                              • #30
                                Dearest chopper,

                                Let me leave you with no doubt that aggressive posts on this forum break several rules as does abusing a moderator. Any more and further action will be taken at our discretion.

                                Cheers David


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