Forgive me farmer for I have sinned. It has been some time since my last confession.
I have been unfaithful to my plot, and have been having unclean thoughts - filthy ones in fact.
I have not visited the plot since last year, and I am fearful that she will turn against me.
I have been intimate with another garden closer to home, and have tended its bushes.
I beg forgiveness and promise to attend to the plot in earnest at some time soon.
I have been unfaithful to my plot, and have been having unclean thoughts - filthy ones in fact.
I have not visited the plot since last year, and I am fearful that she will turn against me.
I have been intimate with another garden closer to home, and have tended its bushes.
I beg forgiveness and promise to attend to the plot in earnest at some time soon.