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Charity shops


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  • #46
    Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
    Depends on the definition of 'junk'. MY definition is "no use to me but might be useful to someone else". If it's no use at all it is rubbish!
    That's a good definition and probably why we used to have "Junk Shops".
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • #47
      I have a car load of stuff ready to go to charity, but need a shop where I can park near.

      I never use those bags that come through the door as stealing them is rife around here, (Full, not empty).

      With the increase in prices now charity shops have become more popular, but ironically they are short of stock as people are not replacing stuff quite as much.

      I hope to visit some Car Boot sales this coming summer, however the price of petrol is an issue as well.

      Last year i collected all my charity bags that came and counted them, I have 75, that's more than 1 a week that came.

      Make useful bin liners, however some of them are not even any good for that.!

      Got a lovely out of print wildlife book from an Oxfam the other year.
      Blogging at.....


      • #48
        Originally posted by seasprout View Post
        Last year i collected all my charity bags that came and counted them, I have 75, that's more than 1 a week that came. :mad
        Make useful bin liners, however some of them are not even any good for that.!
        We use the charity bags that come through the letterbox as bin liners too as all out old clothes to in a bag for our sons school the PTFA sell them just like the charity bag people do but at least we get to see where the moneys spent

        As for Charity Shops I never went in them until I meet my OH and she converted me, I get most of my books from Charity Shops now the last being Kitchen Garden (month -by-month) by Andi Clevely for 25p it says �9.99 on the back.

        I've picked allsorts of bargains up Charity Shops and I bet a week doesn't go by with out the OH going in all of them in out town lol.

        One man's junk is another man's treasure.

        My Allotment Journal @
        Google+ and Youtube

        Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


        • #49
          Originally posted by seasprout View Post
          Last year i collected all my charity bags that came and counted them, I have 75, that's more than 1 a week that came.

          Make useful bin liners, however some of them are not even any good for that.!
          I get lots too and most of mine are used as bin liners - not at all because I don't want to give to charity but because an awful lot of them are just scams Anything that says 'minute percent of profits donated to [insert charity you've never heard of]' gets short shrift!
          I was feeling part of the scenery
          I walked right out of the machinery
          My heart going boom boom boom
          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
          I've come to take you home."


          • #50
            I just wish that the charities who send the bags out [the legit ones] would get together and realise that if you have 4 bags from various charities in one week, you are unlikely to fill them even if you wanted to.


            • #51
              I take my stuff in to the Heart foundation shop - using the free bags that come through the door!!
              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


              • #52
                My partner and I enjoy spending Saturdays in local towns and villages wandering from shop to shop. As we now have a 4 month old baby I can't wait to buy him lots of toys!!


                • #53
                  me and the missus sorted out some of her clothes, shoes and handbags today ..... she had 130 pairs of shoes (plus, slippers, 3 pairs of trainers and a whole big box of boots), 60+ handbags, and several wardrobes worth of clothes .... we've bagged up a car load to go to the charity shops .....

                  we've taken at least 8 car loads of other stuff to the charity shops in the last 6 months .... given away more than that on freecycle .... and had to take loads more to the dump, including perfectly good desks, 4 TVs etc that nobody wanted ....

                  as purley is full of charity shops, that's where we're going tomorrow .... i rarely find anything useful in them, except the heart foundation furniture shop a few miles away .... always a good shop ....

                  and as there are shops like aldi, lidl, primark etc, it hardly seems worth bothering with charity shops for anything else ....


                  • #54
                    Wish you lived near me, Farmer G - well your missus anyway!


                    • #55
                      VC .... are you a size 5 shoe? and do you like D&G / Gucci etc etc?


                      • #56
                        No - a 6! D&G & Gucci - are they something you eat?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Farmer_Gyles View Post
                          VC .... are you a size 5 shoe? and do you like D&G / Gucci etc etc?
                          Check out ebay. You could make a small fortune with brands. I buy shoes that are BNWL, only brands I know will fit, and am rarely disappointed.

                          If you have 'well worn' ladies shoes, there is a market for those too. IYKWIM
                          Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
                          Edited: for typo, thakns VC


                          • #58
                            i hate ebay with a passion .... so many dodgy traders on there selling dodgy gear .... and yep, could make a lot of money from everything we've given away or dumped in the last few months, but it's the hassle of doing it and the stupid enquiries we'd get (which seems to happen because it's ebay and it's what people do on there because there are so many dodgy traders on there) .... if someone did it for us, then great, but i'd rather just get rid of the whole lot in one go ....


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Farmer_Gyles View Post
                              so many dodgy traders on there selling dodgy gear ...
                              Really? What dodgy gear have you bought? If you're unsure about an item, read the seller's feedback comments before you buy.

                              I've been buying & selling for 7 years now. Sure you get niggles & problems, tbh that's mostly with buyers not sellers. Buyers have almost total protection now. I do get stupid questions, eg last night I'd listed something selling in Liverpool (lets's say) and a buyer repeatedly asked me "are you in north or south Birmingham". If they're asking dumb questions it's cos they're dumb. If they're just asking lots of questions, it's because you haven't written your ad very well.

                              I've had some awesome buys: a chaise longue handmade in Ireland in a guy's garage, a quarter the price of the shops. My brother got his R6 motorbike on eBay, again brilliant. I've sold a car, a canoe, junk, plants, you name it. I use my eBay profits to fund my pattern buying habit (patterns come from eBay USA where they're half the price of the UK).
                              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 02-04-2012, 08:47 AM.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • #60
                                I can't be bothered selling stuff on Ebay either. If I don't want it, its Freecycled or goes to a friend who sells on Ebay to raise money for her animal sanctuary. Mostly, I just hoard it!!


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