UPDATED 7/3/11
Not sure if i'm doing right here but thought it would help Boble if he knew how many are going .......so can we just post on here if you are going.......I'll start.....
( If I'm treading on toes here please forgive me )
Myself and OH..........tent ( def attending Fri- Mon)
Tony F and Jenny......hotel ( def Fri- Mon)
Taff and OH ...........transit van
Scarey and KK ....... tent ( def Fri-Mon - ??with KK)
G4 and OH............ caravan (sadly unlikely to attend)
Boble and Mme Pastis........in the loft
!!( def Fri-Mon!!!)
Patchninja and Mr P..... camping ( Sat/Sun)
Nicos and OH........B+B ( def attending Fri-Mon)
Hilary B and OH ..... tent
Jardiniere + OH - ???? ( Sun)
(Barley sugar and OH and maybe 2 more... tent)...sadly looks like UTA
18 ......looking good
Not sure if i'm doing right here but thought it would help Boble if he knew how many are going .......so can we just post on here if you are going.......I'll start.....

Myself and OH..........tent ( def attending Fri- Mon)
Tony F and Jenny......hotel ( def Fri- Mon)
Taff and OH ...........transit van
Scarey and KK ....... tent ( def Fri-Mon - ??with KK)
G4 and OH............ caravan (sadly unlikely to attend)
Boble and Mme Pastis........in the loft

Patchninja and Mr P..... camping ( Sat/Sun)
Nicos and OH........B+B ( def attending Fri-Mon)
Hilary B and OH ..... tent
Jardiniere + OH - ???? ( Sun)
(Barley sugar and OH and maybe 2 more... tent)...sadly looks like UTA
18 ......looking good
