This sounds really selfish, but I don't really mean it
. I had planned a self indulgent weekend, no shopping, yes a visit to Mum in the care home and school marking, but otherwise gardening, cooking and whatever came along. Now, just having got in from A&E, I'm looking forward to the visit and the marking all crammed in together tomorrow, but I'm SOO relieved!
About 11 this morning I answered the phone to Kissykit. She was breathless and on the verge of tears. Mother's panic, of course,as she sobbed she had to be picked up as soon as we could. I knew she had been at an end of exam party last night, and well..... She then went on to say she had fallen over, and couldn't put any weight on her foot this morning. RELIEF. Of course, like me when they thought I might have broken my hip, but I'd still walked to the restaurent for fear of 'upsetting' anyone, she had got home with the help of two friends, rather than spoiling the atmosphere by admitting she really had hurt herself.
We drove down to Portsmouth, picked her up (almost literally) and then had to pack what she needed to bring back, mostly sweets and dirty washing, then to A&E back at home. After an x-ray showed a chipped bone in her foot (I had worried the walking last night might have done more damage), we have now got her as settled as she is likely to be tonight. Her foot is really swollen and promises to turn all shades of gruesome colours, but I'm so relieved. AT A&E, when the nurse asked why she hadn't gone to Portsmouth hospital, she replied 'I wanted my Mum'. Nice to know she still feels she needs me, even though she's shown she can cope very well living away from home.

About 11 this morning I answered the phone to Kissykit. She was breathless and on the verge of tears. Mother's panic, of course,as she sobbed she had to be picked up as soon as we could. I knew she had been at an end of exam party last night, and well..... She then went on to say she had fallen over, and couldn't put any weight on her foot this morning. RELIEF. Of course, like me when they thought I might have broken my hip, but I'd still walked to the restaurent for fear of 'upsetting' anyone, she had got home with the help of two friends, rather than spoiling the atmosphere by admitting she really had hurt herself.
We drove down to Portsmouth, picked her up (almost literally) and then had to pack what she needed to bring back, mostly sweets and dirty washing, then to A&E back at home. After an x-ray showed a chipped bone in her foot (I had worried the walking last night might have done more damage), we have now got her as settled as she is likely to be tonight. Her foot is really swollen and promises to turn all shades of gruesome colours, but I'm so relieved. AT A&E, when the nurse asked why she hadn't gone to Portsmouth hospital, she replied 'I wanted my Mum'. Nice to know she still feels she needs me, even though she's shown she can cope very well living away from home.