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I gave up smoking!!! 5/03/2007 9pm!!!


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  • #31
    Originally posted by sewer rat
    ....Keep at it, and whenever you are tempted, just think of why you wanted to kick the habit in the first place and find something else to do with your hands
    We know what you've been doing with your hands SR!!!

    Keep on keeping off!
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower


    • #32
      Hey DV, missed you tonight, glad the headache is better


      • #33
        Good for you, all of you quitters.
        I lost my lovely Nan to smoking. She "lived" to 76, but had to spend the last decade or so indoors as the fags killed the veins in her feet/legs (not sure of the exact details, but she had to have her toes amputated and could no longer walk...she spent her days and nights in an armchair, not only housebound but virtually chairbound)
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #34
          Whereas I do try very hard not to be an evangelical non smoker I DO notice whenever someone lights up within about 50 yards. It's not that it bothers me, but just shows how fab my sense of smell has become!

          I am contrary, though, I know - as when I go into our fav den of iniquity and I come out laden with the smell of 6 zillion Benson, there is a certain 'those were the days' nostalgia.

          Wouldn't go back though - bit like an old boyfriend, good enough whilst it lasted, maybe didn't want to finish with him, but GOOD GRIEF, look back and aren't you glad you did!


          • #35
            Originally posted by madderbat View Post
            Hey DV, missed you tonight, glad the headache is better
            Hello Madderbat,
            Headache still there and here I am again!!! I still don't smoke and I would like ta say a big thankyou to all of you for the moral support received. I will keep the forum informed!!!!
            My best regards
            Don VIncenzo


            • #36
              Where will Gordon Brown get his revinues from when we have all given up the weed?
              Last edited by bubblewrap; 17-03-2007, 05:52 AM.
              The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
              Brian Clough


              • #37
                excellent News DV and all you others, nothing I love better than to hear that people have given it up, Having seen my Mum who did give up but to late.

                Well Done to you all :-}
                Denise xox

                Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
                -- Alfred E. Neumann


                • #38
                  Well done. Your health is more important..keep going
                  Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


                  • #39
                    Well done DV, and all of you.

                    Think of all the seed and plants you can buy with the money not spent on the weed - and we all know how we love weeds in the garden - weeds bad!!!
                    Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


                    • #40
                      [QUOTE=denise;77983]excellent News DV and all you others, nothing I love better than to hear that people have given it up, Having seen my Mum who did give up but to late

                      I lost my father my grandfather & his two brothers to the weed (lungs & heart)
                      but carried on.........reguardless (It won't happen to me) But in the end good sence prevailed (not too late I hope) & I am looking forward to a weed free future!
                      Last edited by bubblewrap; 17-03-2007, 06:47 PM.
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


                      • #41

                        Hows it going?

                        Thought of you this eve as I had the first craving for a cigar for some months. I never conceived of myself as a smoker as I only had the odd cigar amongst smoking friends - say 1 or 2 a week, but the Life Assurance Company labelled me a smoke because of this and so I quit - out of sheer petulance.

                        I am tempted today because I've been down the plot and surrounded by joyous middle aged blokes enjoying their veggie growing and celebrating with a brew of tea and a roll-up. I really wanted to join in, but resisted. I am glad I did.

                        With the amount of clay pipe I find in my soil I cannot but help think that growing and smoking go hand in hand. But not for me, and not, I hope for you.
                        The law will hang the man or woman
                        Who steals the goose from off the common
                        But lets the greater thief go loose
                        Who steals the common from the goose


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by denise View Post
                          excellent News DV and all you others, nothing I love better than to hear that people have given it up, Having seen my Mum who did give up but to late

                          I lost my father my grandfather & his two brothers to the weed (lungs & heart)
                          but carried on.........reguardless (It won't happen to me) But in the end good sence prevailed (not too late I hope) & I am looking forward to a weed free future!
                          On the 4th of January my sister was the latest tobacco victim in my family. Because of my passport I wasn't able to be to her funeral in time. So my giving up smoking is dedicated to her. Yes temptation will always be there but I noticed that is getting easier, mixing with no smokers helps, you may also find that smokers would like to give up and will respect your decision. Just after few days it is possible to see the benefits of giving up, I restarted to smell things as I was in my pre 26 y.o. Fresh air smells fantastic, even water tastes good. I stopped using my car to go to my local shops and allotment walking or using my pushbike instead. I discovered that my feet do not hurt anymore and most of all I discovered that after all I do not suffer of asthma. It is never too late to give up and the benefits can be seen almost immediately but surely it would have been better not to start at all in the first place.
                          Don't give up giving up
                          Don Vincenzo


                          • #43
                            Sorry to hear your news DV but - well done to everyone whos given up! I only smoked a few when I was much younger, so never got the habit - but can well imagine how hard it must be giving it up! Like the idea of saving up your pennies so you can see how much you have saved - and then treat yourself to something youve always wanted! Keep up the good work guys and gals! As you say DV - a very good reason for giving up, I'm sure your sister will be proud of you. Bernie aka Dexterdog
                            Last edited by dexterdoglancashire; 19-03-2007, 08:42 PM.
                            Bernie aka DDL

                            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                            • #44
                              How are we all doing - keep us posted of your progress

                              Well done so far
                              Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ChrisB View Post
                                How are we all doing - keep us posted of your progress

                                Well done so far
                                I am in my third weeks, getting easier to cope, temptation still there but it would be too stupid to start again after the pain I had to go trough during the initial days......yes!! I managed to kick the filthty habit
                                Don Vincenzo


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