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How Many Re-cycle Wheelie Bins Do You Have??


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  • #16
    I see some of you have to pay for a recycle bin, ours are free in the first instance dont know if they get replaced if broken. We have a very good tip that we can take most things to and it gets sorted for you ( if its things that wont go in the bin ). We started recycling years before the council did by taking things to the tip or the bins in carparks.
    The council sometimes has compost that you can collect for free.
    We have neighbours that cant be bothered to sort their rubbish, its so easy why would anyone not recycle. Try not to buy things that are over packaged and OH always uses bags for life when he does the shopping.
    So many customers dont reuse bags at all.
    I also give anything that I think is ok to charity shops and most will take things that are only suitable for rags, they get money for it. Ask the shop and put in bags marked rags and they dont have to go through it.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache


    • #17
      3 Bins for us.
      1. Blue for plastic,papers,Glass.

      2. Dark-Green House hold rubbish.

      3. Brown Garden waste.

      4. Small green box for cardboard.

      Help Wildlife.
      Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


      • #18
        On the subject of Re-cycle.
        One week or intrepid bin men, 'i say that with tongue in cheek' forgot to pick up the blue
        paper-glass-plastic bin. So we made a complaint, back they came next day not very happy bunnies!! said it all goes in land fill anyway??? So whats the point of all the bulls**T Re-cycle bins then? i ask no reply was the answer!
        Does anybody remember the good old days when the real bin men had to pick up the old metal bins full of everything you could but in em! including ash from the overnight fire!!
        In those days they had to lift those bins up and carry to their wagon, with never a grumble, different world then eh!

        Help Wildlife.
        Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Alison View Post
          I notice that somebody has voted for not recycling as they think it's a waste of time, would be interested if this means they think recycling in general is a waste of time or if they mean that they don't trust their council's scheme.
          I noticed that as Alison. It would be interesting to find out there thoughts on it!
          I thought it was a waste of time and really didn't want to re-cycle when it was first introduced around Barnsley. But over the years I've got into it and now it just comes as second nature. There's always been a compost heap in one form or another in our family. Dad had 3 on his allotment when he had it, now I have a dalek...which I might say got emptied yesterday into my new raised bed. Much better than the bought stuff & I know what's in it.


          • #20
            1 Blue Wheelie Bin - paper and card
            1 Black Wheelie Bin - normal household rubbish (inc food waste)
            1 Green Box - glass and plastic
            1 Green Bin - compostable/garden waste

            (we have 2 green boxes and 2 green bins)

            I've got 4 compost bins in the garden, but still have way too much grass to use in them, so the council's green bins are usually full of hedge clippings and surplus grass...


            • #21
              Originally posted by pauco View Post
              On the subject of Re-cycle.
              One week or intrepid bin men, 'i say that with tongue in cheek' forgot to pick up the blue
              paper-glass-plastic bin. So we made a complaint, back they came next day not very happy bunnies!! said it all goes in land fill anyway??? So whats the point of all the bulls**T Re-cycle bins then? i ask no reply was the answer!
              Does anybody remember the good old days when the real bin men had to pick up the old metal bins full of everything you could but in em! including ash from the overnight fire!!
              In those days they had to lift those bins up and carry to their wagon, with never a grumble, different world then eh!


              When I was a little lass the bin men would fetch the bin from down the driveway and empty it...then bring it back, no questions asked. And you had the same bin men week in week out, they were friendly as well, not like now. Were lucky if we get a grunt out of our's. Round here there's a man goes round looking in the bin/bag to make sure the right thing is in the bin or bag. If it's not right he puts an orange sticker on & the bin men won't take it. And they leave the bins all over the street , grrrrrr.
              I have to agree with you Paul, ya can't beat the "Good old friendly bin men" .


              • #22
                We've got a big black landfill bin, big green one for garden and cardboard, Blue Bag for paper etc blue box for cans and bottles then a clear bag for clothes. In the next couple of months we're getting a big burgundy bin for plastics, aerosols and batteries with crate to replace the blue box and bag.
                They're letting us keep the blue box so I'll be growing a courgette in mine.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #23
                  only one for plastic, tins, paper and cardboard. was 3 week pick up, now going to be every 2 weeks and normal bin going from weekly to every 2 weeks. Would like a box for glass, mainly as fed up having to remind OH to put them into recycle bank on way home. Also nice to have garden waste wheelies here, as many people just fly tip their garden waste


                  • #24
                    1 grey bin for household rubbish
                    1 brown bin for garden waste
                    1blue bin for paper or card.

                    We have to recycle our own glass,plastic and tins so I have a large bag in the kitchen for this and then I take it down the park to the recycling bins.

                    Have very little in the way of food waste as it either goes to the chooks or the dogs.
                    Compost bin at home and one at plot
                    Wormery and bokashi bin as well


                    • #25
                      Big green wheely bin for garden, food and cardboard waste (anything that's not suitable for the compost heap basically)
                      Slimline black wheely bin for landfill waste - needs emptying only once a month
                      Box for glass, plastic bottles, food and drink cans and foil
                      Box for newspapers, magazines and junk mail

                      Tetra pack containers, takeaway containers (after they've served a useful life as plant trays), batteries and plastic bags are usually taken to the recycle centre at the local supermarket.

                      I've been recycling for years - i was a really annoying teenager who guilted her parents into newspaper and glass recycling years before the council collected any of it from households. I'm not sure my dad has ever forgiven me for those Sunday afternoon trips to the bottlebank when he could have been watching the football on tv!!
                      come visit a garden
                      or read about mine


                      • #26
                        Reduce, reuse, recycle - I try to do it in that order

                        I buy as little as possible (clothes are from Oxfam) and I avoid excessive packaging - so there isn't an awful lot of waste to get rid of

                        We have a green bin (plastic, metal & card) and a black one (other) which get emptied once a month max (I don't even put them out if they're not full, it saves the binmen a few minutes).

                        Plastic PET bottles, yogurt pots & mushroom boxes get reused in the garden

                        Glass wine bottles get reused for home brew and jam jars for homemade jam - other glass gets dropped in the bottle bank on the way to the lotty

                        I compost all food waste, all paper as well as pet bedding and dust bunnies (from the vacuum cleaner)
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-03-2011, 06:03 PM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
                          I'd like to think I'm rather good at re-cycling, but with limited space I struggle with all the bins that are provided by my Council. We've been told in the last few days that were getting ANOTHER bin for our plastic. We already have one BIG green wheelie bin for Green waist & Thin cardboard, small brown wheelie bin for Glass & Aluminium & a small blue wheelie bin for Paper. This is on top of the normal everyday BIG gray Wheelie bin for house hold waist.

                          So as the question say's " How Many Re-cycle Wheelie Bins do You Have??".
                          Do you re-cycle? Do you re-cycle when you remember to? Do you think it's a waist of time? Do you re-cycle everything you can...other than the above?
                          we have a black bin for landfill waste,blue bin for recyclable waste,brown bin for green waste and a smaller black bin for glass,they only empty the first two on a two week cycle,but after composting everything(loads of chook poo) inluding reusing papers to line the coop,sometimes there is so little in the bin they refuse to empty it ..i rang them and they said it wasnt worth their while to empty it,so i said it wasnt worth my while paying them to do a job that they cant be bothered to do,meaning they were taking money but not fulfilling their side of the went very quiet for a good while before they said it would be emptied.i now have great problems walking so i dont need wasted journeys


                          • #28
                            We have:

                            Black wheelie bin - general waste
                            Green wheelie bin - garden waste (not used as I compost everything)
                            Box for tins/glass/batteries/tinfoil
                            Bag for paper
                            Bag for plastic bottles
                            cardboard collection (we provided our own bag)
                            Food waste bin (not used as we compost/bokashi)

                            I compost or reuse as much as possible, wheelie bins live at back of house and the rest at the front (which I hate as by front door).


                            • #29
                              We have no recycling bins provided by the council at all!
                              Dumfries and Galloway council have an Eco-Deco plant, (google it, it is quite fascinating) and they reckon that by using it, they can recycle the majority of our waste and it can just be put in the wheelie bin. However, they do ensure that people start to reduce their waste by only emptying your wheelie bin, if it is over full, they wont empty it, if you need to put a black bag out, then you have to buy them for 50p each from the town halls etc, that is the only black bags beside the wheelies they will collect.
                              However, a local community group has started up, called Moffat Can, (its googleable too) and they collect plastic, paper, textile and metal for recycling in the old blue boxes. Unfortunately, they is a poor take up of it in my village, so it may stop.
                              I have two compost daleks, and hungry dogs, chickens and guinea pigs for all the food waste.
                              I also recycle any batteries at the supermarket, but we dont have many as we use rechargeables



                              • #30
                                We have 1 box for glass.
                                1 bin for recycle stuff
                                1 wheelie bin for rubbish.
                                Textiles are put in a separate bag & put with the glass.
                                Wheelie bin emptied once a fortnight.
                                Recycle stuff on alternate weeks.

                                We could have a bin for garden waste but my garden is a postage stamp so I put it on the compost heap either at home or down the lottie
                                Last edited by bubblewrap; 05-03-2011, 09:50 PM.
                                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                                Brian Clough


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