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  • Anxiety

    Anyone on here have anxiety issues? I've been battling it for years now, since I was about 17 (but even younger before that, I remember having problems). I got severe depression at 19 and was medicated, within 6 months I was much better but no follow up procedure meant I came off the meds when I felt better. Since then its been going downhill, and my anxiety is really bad right now as well as SAD which makes it worse

    Does anyone else have same problems? What helps? I am considering going to the doctor again, to get some more medication to sort it out. I am gonna go out for a nice long bike ride as its sunny and hopefully that will make me feel better, I've got a splitting headache and feel really tense but its just anxiety - hopefully a ride in the sun will ease it off.

    I know I should just go and get it sorted, but you think you can sort these things out yourself, often. It seems to get worse (lots worse, really) when OH goes down to London in the week (he's at uni there) and when I'm working away from home for a long time (do shifts with sleep in's at work). I can't think of how else to sort it out :/

  • #2
    I find that keeping myself organised helps to take my mind off things.

    I write lots of lists, even for inane things, like what I need to do when I get home from work. OK, so I don't achieve all the things on the list, but I feel more in control if things are written down!


    • #3
      I would suggest that your first call should be your Doctor.

      You mention coming off the meds when you felt better - I believe this is something that should be done in a controlled way so this may (I'm no Doctor) possibly have caused you to go back a step if you stopped them too quickly.

      Have you tried meditation and other types of relaxation?

      But first, off to the Docs I'd say.


      • #4
        Can't help from personal experience, but I'd definitely go back to your doctor and ask for a CBT referrel. As you'll benefit from learning how deal with it, rather than just being on med's. Although depending how bad it is, they may suggest med's to work alongside of CBT? Best of luck.


        • #5
          Docs does ought to be your first port of call.
          I understand not wanting to be on medication but sometimes that's the best option...and like Piskie says,coming off them should be a gradual nut sudden.

          I suffer quite a lot.The worst thing I can do for it is sit on the computer for too long,the best thing is getting outside and doing something.
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #6
            Originally posted by andi&di View Post
            .....The worst thing I can do for it is sit on the computer for too long,the best thing is getting outside and doing something.
            Totally, absolutely, even more totally agree with this!


            • #7
              Another sufferer here - my new doc has been really helpful with a range of options, sensitively explained. You must go and talk to a doctor you trust.
              I have also been managing to get out in the bright sunshine which helps no end.
              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


              • #8
                Wow - a lot of people with the same problems, and thanks for all your kind words. I have a doctor that I trust completely, I will book an appointment with him. I think I am reluctant to go on medication as I work with the mentally ill and have to dispense a lot of medication for anxiety/depression etc, and I know a bit too much about it all. But doctor knows best, and I'm sure some reassurance will do good.

                I went out for a bike ride in the sun, was lovely and felt really positive and relaxed but as soon as I stop I get really worked up about stuff. I don't have the energy to keep myself busy like that all day. The main bulk of my anxiety is about health, and every so often I get anxious about friends/family/OH. Don't really worry about money or stuff like that, I always seem to get by on that count. Am dreading going to work tomorrow, and funnily enough dreading another day off on Wednesday...a year ago, I couldn't wait for a day off.


                • #9
                  Piskie - spot on there. I had no follow ups so just stopped the medication (was st.johns wort which most doctors wouldn't touch, but it worked for me) and was fine for a bit, it started getting bad towards end of last summer again. I used to do yoga but my wrists are very weak so cannot weight bear on them any more. I still meditate every so often but I find my new house too distracting and noisy to get into it.


                  • #10
                    I had CBT (Cognitive Behaviour therapy) for anxiety about 4 years ago and it really helped, but when it's been very bad in the past I've also used meds to get a grip on stuff and start sorting it out. A good doctor will get both sorted out for you.

                    The CBT was a really simple exercise which I found helped no end. Basically when you get those swirly butterflies in your tummy thats the 1st sign of anxiety, instead of worrying it's the start of an anxiety attack you picture something positive that gives you the same or similar feelings (for me it was the excitement of learning to ride a motor bike that gave me a similar feeling). Gradually your mind will over write the negative emotional assosiation with the positive and it begins to loosen the hold of anxiety. These days I don't have attacks at all, or if I do, they are so small and quick it's over before I can make myself worse.

                    Good luck, there is light at the end of the anxiety tunnel and you will get there.

                    Eating a banana really helped me too weirdly. They have all sorts of good minerals and they're slow energy releasing. Swap all caffeine stuff for decaf and drop the sugar too. Sugar peaks and crashes will make anxiety much worse.


                    • #11
                      What wonderful, helpful advice Lizzy - I like the idea of turning the butterflies to something good


                      • #12
                        Cheers Lizzy! I already don't have caffiene (hate the stuff) and don't eat sugar at all (except in fruit which is natural)...I did notice caffiene used to make it abit worse so don't even have tea anymore. I'm curious as to the butterflies you talk about, as I never get that - I get really tense, headaches, pulse through the roof and unending negative thoughts etc, I guess that will overwrite those sort of things too? The worst thing is my sleep, once that goes, all hell breaks loose. I won't be able to sleep for days, I'll be really tired, when I do sleep I'll wake up really suddenly and be panicky, this will happen a good few times through the night. I am going to ask my doctor about CBT as this is an ongoing thing and I want to avoid drugs wherever possible.


                        • #13
                          Time to go to the Docs. Mr Frosty has his last CBT appointment next month and is better. One of the things he has been taught is to meditate every day as it trains the brain to cope with the ups and downs of every day life. This weekend we are in Glasgow, as Mr F is taking another part of his Reiki training - meditation is also important in Reiki. Let's put it this way the total bill of tax underpayment for Mr F's pension (tax is deducted at source but a mistake was made and went unnoticed for a fair number of years) is now almost £4,000. Mr F is not going ballistic or fretting or going into a panic. All thanks to the CBT. Mr F has also had meds (years ago) but from my viewpoint they have not been as effective as the CBT (over the long term).
                          Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 07-03-2011, 01:26 PM.


                          • #14
                            I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to push you towards medication but thought it worth sharing what a friend once shared with me...if you have a physical condition,ie diabetes,you might not like having to go on drugs but accept you have to.Why should it be any different with Mental Health?
                            I think the big difference is that there often are things you can do yourself without going down the medication route,but sometimes,when you've hit that bad place,it's just too tough to motivate yourself to do them...which in my mind is when medication can be a great help in getting you back to a place where you can start putting all the other stuff into practice.

                            I love your method of switching the butterflies Lizzy.
                            I was taught to picture a Black box in my head,full of any negative thoughts...each time they started I was to slam shut the box.
                            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                            • #15
                              I think I can go without meds as one day I'll be fine then it will grind me down for a good few weeks but I always come out the other side...but maybe I need them for a break from the constant battles?? And to know what normality feels like I have a doc's appointment on weds but my doc is off sick Am gonna see how this one goes on weds, then probably book in to see good doc next week when he is back as he knows me well...we shall see how it goes.


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