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  • #46
    Awful, Awful nights sleep and very anxious this morning. Went to doctors, had a lovely doc, have been put on small dose of medication and given phone numbers for counselors in local area - have contacted one which acts on donation, and will get an appointment with them soon. Also heading off to the Buddhist center for some meditation, onwards and upwards eh

    Doctor reckons I'll be good as rain in a few months, I'm intrigued to see how much difference this all makes, I started crying to the doc earlier when I was telling her stuff, and realized that its a lot worse than I think - I can't think of the last time I was genuinely happy, or optimistic...I bet I will really feel the difference and realize how miserable I've been the last few years haha!

    Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me realize this, honestly without this thread I don't think I'd be at the start of recovery Massive amounts of karma coming all of your ways


    • #47
      Hiya, I am so chuffed after reading this that your feeling abit more positive. I have alot of experience with anxiety as other half has generalised anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder which as a direct consequence has caused agrophobia and monophobia. Thats alot of blah isnt it hehe. Anyway, counselling and CBT are fantastic options. Me personally, hate anti-d's. I have had, and watched others have, bad experiences with them. However onthe flip side of that I have known others that they have worked fantastically for. So its all down to the individual. I know alot of people that I call seasonal. In the winter they hibernate and the summer they wake up and come alive. As long as you have things to do and your keeping yourself mentally and physically active you will get there. Accepting that there is an issue there is the first step and the most improtant one. Good luck with making the change

      Please give blood and if possible please give bone marrow.


      Subscriber to the mojo mailing list


      • #48
        Pleased you had such an understanding Doc...hope this can be the start of lots more happiness and optimism for you.x
        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


        • #49
          Councellors can be great but from experience they go over what the past etc and that just reinforces in the brain all the bad stuff, techniques like CBT focus on ways of dealing with the bad spells you suffer, you feel in charge of what your doing with some help,this empowers you. I know Norwich has trained therapists on NHS as daughter applied for job there but went to London


          • #50
            I did wonder that - as I know the past, and what the impacts of it are. And like you say, need to learn techniques for dealing with it, the place I've contacted are a charity, they are counselors but also use CBT techniques to help you move on...hopefully they will be OK as I can't afford to pay full money for it.


            • #51
              That's brilliant news Buzzy. So pleased you're taking back control. It's a massively hard step to take that little 1st one, especially when recognising it's worse than initially thought. But you did it and now hopefully you're journeying to a happy more positive place.


              • #52
                That's fantastic news You have made a huge positive step towards feeling better!!
                AKA Angie


                • #53
                  Glad to hear this, stay positive BT
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • #54
                    Feeling abit better, even after 2 days on the meds. Make me feel quite rough in the mornings but then evens out, and I'm fine driving on them which is a godsend. I'm looking forward to the 2-4 week mark which is apparently when they really start working proper, will be nice to be 'me' again.

                    Thanks again for the kind words


                    • #55
                      Great news you're feeling a bit better, my younger daughter (not the therapist) was really bad lately, crying,wanting to go to bed etc, turned out it was the pill even although Dr's said it couldn't be.Our hormones have a lot to answer for. Keep talking to us via site, I'm sure it helps that others understand what you are going through. Now weather is getting better have you tried a daily walk .


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