Originally posted by bubblewrap
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I think some people confuse ethical living with Green living. I admit the two are (or could be ) linked but if you don't want to be "green" you can still be ethical. I assume thats what he meant wit the argument with GYO & local farmers. We (well me anyway) are lucky in as much as I have a large garden & an allotment so I can grow my own but some people ar not able to ( people who live in tower block for instance) but they can still live ethicaly by buying locally produce foodstuffs. I happened to be doing the shopping and nearly crashed the trolley a there were some nice looking apples on display lovely yellow & red colour but they were from China !!!!
This has just decided it for me I am digging out pne of the borders at home and I am going to plant it up with Cordon Apples & Pears as it seem ludicrous that the traditional English apple has been replace with stuff from all over the world........