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Japan earthquake.... tsunami


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  • #16
    The images are horrendous.You're right Zaz, its like something out of a horror film. So many people and animals...jeez.
    Sky news say the nuclear power station is back under control and being cooled again.


    • #17
      I only just saw this on the news, very scarey stuff
      WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


      • #18
        Vicky messaged Takai, our Japanese 'daughter' (exchange student from a year or so ago). She is currently studying in USA, but we were worried about her parents as they live in Tokyo. Luckily they are in Korea, so are fine, although she did not have any news of her many friends, house, or cat. A very worrying time for her.
        I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
        Now a little Shrinking Violet.


        • #19
          The news is getting worse and worse with the numbers of dead. Terrible.


          • #20
            To think whole family's, generations gone in very sad.


            • #21
              Great- now there's been a massive explosion at one of the nuclear plants
              Last edited by Nicos; 12-03-2011, 09:23 AM.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #22
                O.M.G...the nuclar power stations blown up ...that's not good at all. Apparently the Power stations the biggest in the world.


                • #23
                  explosion, radiation leak, meltdown possible....

                  Sounds like its all under control.........

                  Its like that episode of the young ones.....paint the windows with mash potato and hide under the table
                  Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


                  • #24
                    Makes putting plastic into a recycling bin seem pretty pointless at the moment.


                    • #25
                      i remember watching the news when chernobyl first happened, nobody thought that was serious as it happened ,only now do people realise how bad it was ,

                      they seem to be playing this down a bit so people dont panic
                      Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


                      • #26
                        Interesting moment on Sky this morning which had a �nuclear expert� saying the Japanese coastal nuclear power station was all perfectly safe, in control and thought through etc (�they practice for all emergencies�) with a picture on the screen of the place blowing up and spewing out clouds of steam and smoke subsequently confirmed by government sources as �an unchecked radiation leak�. Even an emergency of these dimensions is unlikely to modify the crass capitalist systems we live by where thousands of residents are suddenly told to stay indoors, switch off any air conditioning, wear masks and drape damp towels over their heads if they need to go out� It�s paper bag time again, folks! But let�s hope that, at least until the risks are openly explained and accepted (which they never have been�) this signals a big step backwards for the secretive nuclear industry.

                        And another thing! We keep being told that because it sits on �the ring of fire� Japan is highly advanced (�best in the world�) in preparing for earthquakes. Good, I hope they are, BUT if they are that well prepared why has the subsequent tsunami (a Japanese word I�m told) taken them so much by surprise so that coastal towns obliterated, nuclear power stations fractured�.?

                        Don't worry, it�s all safe, folk, trust the bankers�


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by starloc View Post
                          i remember watching the news when chernobyl first happened, nobody thought that was serious as it happened ,only now do people realise how bad it was ,

                          they seem to be playing this down a bit so people dont panic
                          Or because they themselves don't know the true extent and repercussions.I've turned the News off,the Nuclear specialist I saw interviewed was saying how at this time it's all speculation...IF this has happened it's bad,IF that hasn't it might not be so bad.I know the importance of News coverage,but would prefer to wait and hear the facts

                          Watching pictures yesterday of when the Tsunami hit was horrific...the pictures today showing the carnage are truly heartbreaking.
                          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                          • #28
                            The impression I've had is that the earthquake itself wasn't the big problem, because they ARE (relatively speaking) ready for them. The bigger problem was the tsunami, not least because the only way to be prepared for that is to be a long way above sea level!
                            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bazzaboy View Post
                              And another thing! We keep being told that because it sits on �the ring of fire� Japan is highly advanced (�best in the world�) in preparing for earthquakes. Good, I hope they are, BUT if they are that well prepared why has the subsequent tsunami (a Japanese word I�m told) taken them so much by surprise so that coastal towns obliterated, nuclear power stations fractured�.?
                              Becaue the earthquake happened on the sea bed, not on the land, which caused the tsunami.I don't know of any way to contain a tsunami, short of building a very big, very wide wall.
                              Humans can't control nature, when it decides to do what it does, no matter who we are. Even if we like to think we can. And we're always surprised when it happens.


                              • #30

                                Effects of Radiation Levels on the Human Body
                                Dose-rem Effects
                                5-20 Possible late effects; possible chromosomal damage.
                                20-100 Temporary reduction in white blood cells.
                                100-200 Mild radiation sickness within a few hours: vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue; reduction in resistance to infection.
                                200-300 Serious radiation sickness effects as in 100-200 rem and hemorrhage; exposure is a Lethal Dose to 10-35% of the population after 30 days (LD 10-35/30).
                                300-400 Serious radiation sickness; also marrow and intestine destruction; LD 50-70/30.
                                400-1000 Acute illness, early death; LD 60-95/30.
                                1000-5000 Acute illness, early death in days; LD 100/10.
                                Not good At All!!!!


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