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Chemtrails your veggies & the cold weather


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  • #46
    Who produced this report.

    Cui Bono from these scare tactics?
    The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
    Brian Clough


    • #47
      Originally posted by taff View Post
      the trouble with conspiracy theories, although some may turn out to have some degree of truth in them, is that you spend your life going from one to the next to the next to the next, getting more and more fearful of everything along the way.
      it's worse than watching the tv, or reading the newspapers, being constantly bombarded with stories of how uinsafe everything is. You've just exchanged one fear-filled religion for another.
      Lighten up, we all die anyway.
      Well said, it MAY be possible that some of this is true but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it and acutally I enjoy the life I have. Yes, I realise over time things will change and I have no idea what it will be like when I'm old but to behonest I'd rather take pleasure in the simple joys of the world now without my hair falling out with the stress of paranoia.

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #48
        Originally posted by newmannewy View Post
        ... filling the whole sky with gloopy looking greyness.
        Darn it, you're right! Imagine my shock at waking up this morning, the very morning after reading your posts ... and throwing open the curtains to find the sky filled with gloopy greyness.

        Up to now I'd thought it was called fog.

        Now I know better. I'm going to stay indoors where it's safe. Where nobody is riding an uninsured motorbike at 70mph in a thirty zone
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 15-03-2011, 08:43 AM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #49
          We got gloopy greyness too. Maybe he's right after all!


          • #50
            and I thought we all lived in a matrix anyway?
   updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


            • #51
              Bit more worried about radiation risks at the moment... even if it is half way round the world.... and how this affects us directly or indirectly
     updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


              • #52
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                Darn it, you're right! Imagine my shock at waking up this morning, the very morning after reading your posts ... and throwing open the curtains to find the sky filled with gloopy greyness.

                Up to now I'd thought it was called fog.
                Originally posted by rustylady View Post
                We got gloopy greyness too. Maybe he's right after all!
                We have a shiny ball in our sky so there is obviously a hole in the blanket, anyone got a darning needle?

                Or shall I pull the loose thread and unravel the whole blanket


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Suky View Post
                  We have a shiny ball in our sky so there is obviously a hole in the blanket, anyone got a darning needle?

                  Or shall I pull the loose thread and unravel the whole blanket
                  Pull the thread please Suky


                  • #54
                    Hey OP, there's bits of true stuff in that list! *not sure if that adds or detracts though...*

                    Didn't think to look at previous posts - thanks Alison! And those telegraph links are great!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                      Now I know better. I'm going to stay indoors where it's safe. Where nobody is riding an uninsured motorbike at 70mph in a thirty zone
                      Great minds TS

                      Wonder if he's still got the Rover?
                      Last edited by HotStuff; 15-03-2011, 11:35 AM.
                      There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by newmannewy View Post

                        3). Codex Alimentarius which came into effect on 31st Dec 2009 under the European Union - re-classified vitamins & minerals as Toxins.. And thus means they have to be regulated.. Which will in future ban home grown food, forcing everyone to eat GM poison.

                        5). When your parents signed your birth certificate you were "enfranchised" to the crown & a legal fiction was created called JOE BLOGGS (aka your name) this legal fiction places you into a status known as CAPITUS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA - Maximum loss of status - you and I are equivalent to a slave. A human resource to be harvested some may say.
                        Really?? Wow!! How will They stop me in my own garden growing my own food?? would love to see that!

                        And im concerned.. Ive had 4 Kids, and i have never ever had to sign a birth certificate... Is my registry office frauding me? do my kids not exist because i didnt sign? hmmmmm.....


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by splatcat View Post
                          Really?? Wow!! How will They stop me in my own garden growing my own food?? would love to see that!

                          And im concerned.. Ive had 4 Kids, and i have never ever had to sign a birth certificate... Is my registry office frauding me? do my kids not exist because i didnt sign? hmmmmm.....
                          They will be controlling us by then through mobile phone emissions. You won't Want to GYO any more by then.

                          As for the birth certs - DON'T TELL THEM!


                          • #58
                            Don't encourage the man. If he's right he can have the last laugh. If he isn't we can enjoy our futures as we believe they will be.
                            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                   Updated March 9th - Spring


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by HotStuff View Post
                              Great minds TS

                              Wonder if he's still got the Rover?
                              (just goes to show i see no reason to change my online name as i have nothing to hide - feel free to search)

                              Certainly have & managed to fix the seat with 2 bicycle brake lines and some pliers

                              As for the 70 in a 30mph and paying the fine. The only reason I will have to use debt sitting in my own account to pay it is because the Judiciary is corrupt to the hilt.. The LAW is not there to protect us - it is there to protect THEM, and there enslavment of humanity through DEBT.

                              Go read the bills of exchange act 1882 about promissory notes & incohate instruments... It is all perfectly legal in there fictional world to pay with a blank piece of paper and your signature.. Yet they refuse to abide by their own laws.. So through the threat of imprisonment and the coercive effect that has on a human being.. I will have no choice but to pay in debt notes to the bank.. (atleast this time - next time I will NOT be going to court AT ALL - because it is a private corporation administrating statutory instruments known as ACTS of parliament - NOT THE LAW OF THIS LAND)

                              Hell i even wrote to the justice clerk for the whole county asking for information.. And his response was not to bother writing him again and even if i did I would not be getting a response.. There arrogance & corruption knows no bounds.

                              These people are supposed to be PUBLIC SERVANTS.. Yet if were honest with ourselves "we the people" are nothing but cash cows serving them..

                              Did you know the first �300 of your council tax goes to pay golden handshake pension pots for ex-councillors.. Did you know some of them get paid around �250,000 a year .. all from the public purse!! �250,000 a YEAR!!

                              Evil flourishes, because good men do nothing! - If everybody keeps doing nothing, turning a blind eye, everything carries on as normal and everything gets progressivly worse..

                              And I appreciate were all going to die someday.. But wouldnt it be nice to leave a world were people are allowed to walk freely rather than microchipped, tagged, and sectioned off in zones.. Which is planned under the EU.. Check out Agenda21 if you dont believe me..

                              One child policy (like that in china) has already been written into law. Your just not supposed to know about it yet!. De-population is the agenda! see the georgia guide stones (theyve been telling us for years whats coming - just nobodys been paying attention) Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              My little site


                              • #60
                                LOL, you quoted a Wikipedia article which you claim is run by the CIA! Epic fail. Please go away.

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