Originally posted by Capsid
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thats because the georgia guidestones have no reason to be used as a dis-info tool. The people who created them are in cahoots with the intelligence agencies. Dont u get it ? It is a global cabal of criminals working together. They blatantly tell us what there doing.. but the masses are too dumb to see it.. That wiki page just tells u what is written on it and evidences the fact that the monument exists.. But Im betting you didnt know it existed before.
- the best place to hide something is in plain view!
Not one president or major politican comes to power without being ok'd by the bilderberg group. (but im guessing you've probably never heard of them).. Wikipedia 'editors' censor Bilderberg's Nazi roots - and www.bilderberg-mirror.org.uk - The High Priests of Globalisation - Bilderberg Conferences - secret Mafia governmnent for transatlantic elite power )
But anyway you've all had enough info to keep you occupied for a while.. Well those that wish to have a look anyway.. - enjoy!
a small list of things to watch when your bored..
Money as debt - Money As Debt
Its an illusion - John Harris - Its An Illusion
- 7/7 ripple effect - 7/7 Ripple Effect
- the magnificent deception - The Magnificent Deception Part 1 of 2 (ThinkFree & Robert Menard Present)
-codex alimentarius - Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs
That'll do.. I shant be posting again on this thread as I feel I may be stepping on growfruit&veg sensetive toes.. theyve already deleted my 2 signature links..

I shall go talk about veggies now..
peace ppl
(just be open minded is all I ask - the world is not how you think it is)