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Play nice!


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  • Play nice!

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to address everyone and ask you all to think before you post!
    Whilst browsing threads I have become aware of the increasing number of sarcy and just plain rude posts. It may well be that people don't mean to come across that way, but they do. As a newbie I often need help with various things, as do others, and while I have not personally been on the receiving end of the insensitive posts I know that it puts me off posting. I've left forums (pregnancy and baby) in the past because of 'more experienced' people being down right offensive and don't want to leave another!

    I like it here, so can we all please try and be a bit more positive, not just for me, but for everyone!

  • #2

    If you think a post is rude or unnecessary - please tell us! We don't read every post and things can be moderated and toned down if too rude.

    Unless it's one of us of course.

    Mods are:
    Piglet Willie


    • #3
      i'm surprised! I dont read every post obviously but i have only ever come across one rather caustic comment recently and that then started off a long conversation..i like this forum because everyone is friendly and helpful so i dont actually recognise the forum as described by Poddington Pea? Am i being naive?


      • #4
        I know how Poddington Pea feels - I was just the same when I was a newbie. But a while down the line I am getting better at spotting people who are blunt and some people who are possibly a bit the worse for wear when they post!
        And it's like fruit pastilles for some people - they can't help but chew!
        All in all I wish I had joined the forum much earlier - in fact it would have been great for me 40 years ago!!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #5
          everyone lovely, I just think that sometimes people comment without thinking about their phrasing and if read wrongly or without a smiley they can be taken the wrong way, which is sometimes intimidating to others who are less experienced or knowledgible (sp!) on these things
          Maybe I'm too sensitive


          • #6
            i don't think i have seen any rude comments but i dare say they are out there(i have certainly never been on the recieving end) and i hope i have never came across as having been rude...

            i think the mods are quite thorough with their patrolling of the site and the vast majority of folks on here are very nice...

            if anything i have been pleasantly surprised with the generosity of the grapes when it comes to sharing seeds etc...
            May the road rise to meet you,
            May the wind be always at your back,
            May the sun shine warm upon your face,
            The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
            Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand


            • #7
              Originally posted by Poddington Pea View Post
              Maybe I'm too sensitive
              Maybe you are, it's hard when you are new to something, be it a forum, a group, class, whatever. Maybe what you see as sarcastic comments is just banter?? Some of us have been on here for a few years and have got to know each other and yes, maybe we do take the **** now and again. I'm pretty sure it is never meant to be hurtful. Please don't give up, give us a chance and get to know us.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Poddington Pea View Post
                sometimes people comment without thinking about their phrasing ...sometimes intimidating to others who are less experienced ...Maybe I'm too sensitive
                As someone who writes bluntly ... that's how it is some days. It doesn't mean I'm being sarky, it means I'm short of time but I want to post something

                I think you should view posts as friendly, imo, give people the benefit of the doubt
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 16-03-2011, 08:37 PM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  And - usually Tuesdays are the ones for people getting on t'internet and having a go at someone or something....a theory proved time and time again on here

                  It's always a Tuesday....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                    And - usually Tuesdays are the ones for people getting on t'internet and having a go at someone or something....a theory proved time and time again on here

                    It's always a Tuesday....
                    well I just dont know where you got that load of bull statistic from i really dont. how dare you insinuate that we will only be grumpy on a Tuesday! Rubbish. I can insult people any day of the week so there! ha!

                    Just trying to buck the trend

                    I know small minds and all that - tehehehehehehehehe!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                      And - usually Tuesdays are the ones for people getting on t'internet and having a go at someone or something....a theory proved time and time again on here

                      It's always a Tuesday....
                      That's an interesting comment. Are you allowed to provide stats as back-up?
                      Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


                      • #12
                        I think you are being a bit over-sensitive PP, but it's only natural because you're fairly new. You'll soon get used to everyone and I'm sure you'll soon be a "regular" yourself, I'm sure we're all looking forward to getting to know you and remember that the mods are very, very protective of people on here. In my experience, no-one, but no-one, gets away with rudeness or intimidation for very long, if at all. Stick with us lovey, you'll soon at times be as tongue in cheek as the rest of us!
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • #13
                          Pod there a few on here who I read as being a blunt and write in a way that I certainly wouldn't want to either. However, I've yet to met anyone who is intentionally mean or nasty including those who are blunt. They just think / write / speak differently to me that's all.

                          At the end of the day it's not a personal attack on you, it's just their way and opinion which you don't have to take on board. You dont even have to read their posts as you will know which grapes make you feel uncomfortable.

                          I felt very timid when I first started and sometimes I even felt like every time I posted something, a specific grape would always contradict me or pull me up on my comment. For whatever reason it did stop, so don't take it to heart so much. After all there's room on the vine for everyone - blunt and sensitive thinkers alike.


                          • #14
                            I'm a member on many forums of differing topics and the thread comments on here are no different to any other forum. Remember its a lot harder to convey the emotion side in a post than face to face and it's often the case of reading a comment the wrong way rather than how the original poster intended.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                              As someone who writes bluntly ...
                              TS blunt!!!!.............never
                              Last edited by Nicos; 16-03-2011, 09:22 PM. Reason: fixing quote
                              May the road rise to meet you,
                              May the wind be always at your back,
                              May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                              The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
                              Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand


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