We had frog spawn about 3 days ago. Just north of Glasgow. Don't know if its early or late for the strange thing is, its the first time we've ever seen any in the 20 years we've been here.
No announcement yet.
I would love frogs in our garden. We've got a tiny pond that kind of stagnated over winter and went all funny - i think our neighbour accidentally splashed roof sealing paint into it when he was painting his shed in Autumn as it's not been the same since. We managed to salvage some plants, but I'm going to have the nasty job of draining the water and sludge out of it this week and filling it up again and re-positioning the plants etc.
Is it posibble to collect frog spawn from places and add it to your pond?
My brother and I used to do these when we were little and my mother hated us for it as whenever she had a dinner party around this time of year there would be hundred of frog jumping up our long driveway to get to the pond in the backgarden and countless of them would get run over on the way. we loved the spectacle! we even loved playing with the road kill the next morning [gruesome to think of now]!
I wonder where is the best place to collect frogspawn in Fife? We went out looking last year but never found any.
Any tips?
Frogspawn and more frogspawn
Hi there, I've been reading the grapevine for a while but only registered today. It was this thread that finally inspired me. We have frogspawn, frogspawn and toadspawn. We have a largish pond at the bottom of our garden and the frogs have been laying for about a week. I guestimate that we have about 100 pairs of frogs and toads and the bottom of the pond is almost completely covered with spawn. The toads have started laying over the last day or so and the frogspawn is now getting covered with toadspawn. We've seen newts along the edge of the pond, in the water, so I guess they'll start soon to.
I was always led to believe that you can't have frogs etc and fish but it seems to work as we have a thriving and breeding group of goldfish. (I'm not sure exactly what they are, they came with the house)I think it might be the sheer numbers involved.
Blackkitty - welcome !fantastic photo!!
You are really lucky to have all that wildlife in the pond. I wish we had newts too. Do you know what type they are? We had a 3 legged one on our last allotment (OH found it whilst digging!)
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
I'm not sure what type of newts, either smooth or the other one. They're not crested. I think the reason we have so much wildlife is that we live one plot away from a small stream and a completely uncultivated big piece of land. We also leave well alone, we keep the filter working and feed the fish and that's it.
I live about 500yds from 200 acres of woodland but don't get a lot of wildlife in my garden BK
I've found newts in the garden before but never in the pond, mind you my pond seems to have gone really horrid & murky just recently I think I'm going to have to drain some of the water out & clean it out. for some reason we have a waterlily tuber (or should that be Rhizome) floating on the surface so I don't know whats happened in there.
what do you do, if your pond goes all murky....ours went rather stagnant as mentioned above...should I drain all the water out and all the sludge at the bottom, or just replace some of the water and add oxygenating plants. The pond went stagnant even though we had oxygenating plants in the in the first place...they must have given up!
Good question Eskymo. I'm a bit loathed to d anything just yet as it's too b****y cold to rumaging arount in 5' of pond water! I was going to drain som of the worst sludge & muck from the bottom & top it up with fresh water & add some more oxygenators as well. Mine was OK till about 2 months ago when this lilly surfaced, I can only assume it has outgrown the basket & the soil that is in there has got into the pond. For two pins I'd get rid of the pond completly but then I'd miss the fish & frogs.
You're lucky to have such a large pond - ours is tiny tiny tiny....but still worth having! At the moment though, I think it's more likely to be a home for midge larvae rather than frogspawn, so I might have to get round to draining it on a warmer day. We've been getting sunshine for the past two days but we did have a freak hailstone shower today that lasted about 5 minutes - I was out laying paving next to my veg plot when I got bombarded.
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