Time is a precious commodity and increasingly I find myself with less and less time to spend on the allotment. I haven't visited the plot for a number of weeks now, and know I'll be faced with weeds in abundance.
LadyWayne has promised that we'll spend a family day on the plot this Sunday (our only spare day for weeks) and help me get a load of jobs done; - weeding, getting the spuds and onions planted, build Bean his raised bed, weed, plant the peas and beans, make the herb bed, prune the raspberries...
So, I'm apologising because I know that now we have set a date to get to the plot the pessimist in me reckons it'll be a chit day weather-wise.
LadyWayne has promised that we'll spend a family day on the plot this Sunday (our only spare day for weeks) and help me get a load of jobs done; - weeding, getting the spuds and onions planted, build Bean his raised bed, weed, plant the peas and beans, make the herb bed, prune the raspberries...
So, I'm apologising because I know that now we have set a date to get to the plot the pessimist in me reckons it'll be a chit day weather-wise.