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Anyone else without a TV(voluntarily)?


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  • #31
    Taff,I don't need TV card,my laptop is fully capable without it,I just don't do it.

    From the source: TV Licensing - Technology


    As new technology makes it possible to watch TV on more devices than ever you need to make sure that you remain properly licensed.
    If you watch or record television programmes as they're being shown on TV you must, by law, be covered by a TV Licence, no matter what device you're using.

    Computers and laptops

    Many TV channels are now available to watch over the internet. If you�re watching programmes on a computer or laptop as they're being shown on TV, then you need a TV Licence. However, you don�t need to be covered by a licence if you�re only using �on-demand� services to watch programmes after they have been shown on TV. So, you need a licence to watch any channel live online, but you wouldn�t need one to use BBC iPlayer to catch up on an episode of a programme you missed, for example.
    Mobile phones

    Just as with any other device, if you�re watching programmes as they�re being shown on TV on a phone or any other mobile device, you need to be covered by a licence. If you're covered by a valid licence at the address where you live, you'll be licensed to use any device powered solely by its own internal batteries outside the home too.

    I skipped Sky boxes and game consoles as Sky box was the first one to find the way to the loft and we don't have game consoles.


    • #32
      Well Clearly here I'm the odd one, I have 10 aerial outlets in the house and 4 tv's. Most days the telly will go on, and I have always used it as background volume ever since I was a kid.

      It doesn't however rule my life and I rarely actually sit and watch it before 8.30-9pm in the evening. To be honest with you I think most people have substituted the TV for the computer these days. They will happily spend hours looking at the computer screen where they once watched a TV. Are we really any better off?

      Life is about balance, watching telly, time on the computer, listening to the radio, reading, gardening, playing, whatever takes your fancy. If you do one to excess your life suffers. Balance peoples its simples.
      I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


      • #33
        The best thing about modern TV is that we can watch what we want, when we want to watch it. Mostly we record and playback, like we did with video recorders, and yes, we skip the adverts!

        I have the radio on quite a lot. Although, as we have no room for radio in the kitchen, the TV in there is on Radio 2, to keep the Pup company when/if I have to leave him.

        I'm here, and it's on now!
        Last edited by Glutton4...; 07-04-2011, 11:04 AM.
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • #34
          How about one of these G4, they don't take up much space in a kitchen, and leave the worktop free.
          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


          • #35
            My TV's on tuned into Radio 2. Until digital TV we couldn't listen to radio in this house unless it was in the furthest corner of the top bedroom, as there was no signal. I tend to watch TV in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.
            "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
            "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


            • #36
              Originally posted by coreopsis View Post
              Computers and laptops

              Many TV channels are now available to watch over the internet. If you’re watching programmes on a computer or laptop as they're being shown on TV, then you need a TV Licence. However, you don’t need to be covered by a licence if you’re only using ‘on-demand’ services to watch programmes after they have been shown on TV. So, you need a licence to watch any channel live online
              See the thing is, I think that's such a cheek. If any website shows a live TV channel, I can't see how the BBC can demand you pay a licence fee. If they're going to put it up for someone to watch, without having to pay for the site, then it's tough nuts as far as I'm concerned.
              If you're watching live digital [terrestrial] channels, then fine, I can see how they'd want you to pay for that, although again, you can de-tune your laptop so you can't do that.


              • #37
                We don't have one, haven't for a few years now. Years ago, from when OH and I first moved in together, we were 10 years without, then mother in law bought us one when I became pregnant with our twins - she said we'd need telly when we were home with babies!! We had it for about 8 years, then a few summers ago we realised we hadn't watched telly for several months so decided to ditch it again - even the 3 children agreed with this decision! We don't miss it at all. The children (& us) sometimes watch stuff on iPlayer, but we read a lot, chat loads, cycle, trampoline, garden and find loads to do without it *. The children have an old set that they use for the wii, but it's not connected to anything and was de-tuned. In fact we don't know how folk find the time to watch TV. The children's friends are stunned that we haven't got one, but to their credit they don't give a damn!

                And of course we have been bombarded with letters and calls from the licensing people - last time OH invited them to come round and check, as he's fed up with the way they assume you're a liar. They are yet to turn up.

                We have a very happy telly free existance.

                *we also, of course, spend time on t'internet!
                Last edited by pipscariad; 07-04-2011, 10:10 PM. Reason: Typo's and an addition
                Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


                • #38
                  We don't have a tuned in tv (the one we have has no aerial and is set up for the rare occasion that the ds's want to watch a dvd). We occasionally watch iplayer (after the live broadcasting) but usually if we watch anything it is a dvd. We informed the licensing people that we didn't not watch live tv and that they are welcome to check but no problems at all.

                  We haven't had a tv for several years now and I don't miss it at all! I find it annoying to visit other people and they have the tv on constantly or "can't miss xxx"!


                  • #39
                    I have a friend in her 40s who still watches both Eastenders and Coronation Street, every day. She also watches the 'omnibus' editions at the weekend, in case she's missed anything. She even does this when away in their Caravan. Mental!

                    But then, that's just my opinion. My Nan was a Corrie addict. Each to their own!
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • #40
                      I am one of nine children and my mum and dad were always asked if they didn't own a TV. (They did BTW)!
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                        I am one of nine children and my mum and dad were always asked if they didn't own a TV. (They did BTW)!
                        NINE!!!!? Didn't they have a telly!?
                        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                        • #42
                          There are a few programs I prefer not to miss, but if I do miss them, no big deal. These include University Challenge (just finished the latest season), Mastermind, Only Connect.... getting a pattern? Then there is 'anything Attenborough'. Outside of the few, well there are some 'silly but fun' programs, but on the whole, if we hadn't got it I wouldn't be bothered.
                          I survive holidays without the internet (or TV), but I certainly miss the 'social aspects' of the internet a lot more in particular things like the Grapevine!
                          TV is just a way of passing the time; the Vine is a way of connecting with people!
                          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                          • #43
                            We have it on rarely for ourselves nd I can't even remember the last thing OH watched. I watched Country House Rescue last week and that was it!

                            We don't have it on at all for background noise as my little boy has hearing problems and he can't hear with anything else on in the background. The children watch something then we swicth it off again.

                            My brother on the other had has his telly on ALL the time and doesn't even switch it off for visitors, which I think it highly rude. He will even ask for it to be on at other peopel's houses if there is something he wants to watch. He has about a gazillion channels (we have freeview and no Sky).

                            The thing I find most disturbing is that they limit the amount of childrens tv their kids watch, but have MTV on all day not realising the children are sucking up all the suggestive dance videos, with scantily clad laydees shaking their bootees all over - but Bob the Builder is somehow unsuitable?!?

                            *maybe this should have gone in the rant section LOL


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                              I am one of nine children and my mum and dad were always asked if they didn't own a TV. (They did BTW)!
                              Aye, we used to get asked that
                              The problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.


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