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Budget - Income Tax cut


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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
    I'm tempted.......but.......nope - not going to bite tonight.....not had enough to drink!

    (my tax goes to paying your salary! - then you work for me!! oops ....did I say that...........?!
    Yes you do pay me - and boy do you get VFM. My heart and my soul. Shall I kiss your a**e now or after I've warmed your slippers. I aim to please.
    Last edited by johnty greentoes; 21-03-2007, 08:57 PM.
    The law will hang the man or woman
    Who steals the goose from off the common
    But lets the greater thief go loose
    Who steals the common from the goose


    • #32
      Originally posted by johnty greentoes View Post
      Yes you do pay me - and boy do you get VFM. My heart and my soul. Shall I kiss your a**e now or after I've warmed your slippers. I aim to please.
      How kind...but you're better employed in the frozen north teaching tomorrows' responsible citizens......I would humbly ask that you don't forget to encourage any entreprenerial spirit that you see in them alongside citizenship.... they are tomorrow's tax payers too.


      • #33
        I haven't seen the details of the budget, but if it doesn't drive some cars off the road then it's a waste. I know some people live in areas where public transport doesn't exist and they NEED to use their cars, but many others just use cars because they think PT is inconvenient. We can't go on building more roads and adding more cars. It's chaos out there already. I use the car ONLY when there is no other way. Persuasion isn't working. Cost is the the only thing which will persuade people to use public transport - And yes I do know it needs to be improved. I use it every day.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #34
          Oh dear! Just tried the calculator for me and OH - we will be �120 worse off next year - increase in petrol responsible mainly. (I didn't know what tax bands our cars are in, they aren't big gas guzzlers) Trouble is, OH needs his car to get to work and does 50 miles per day. At the moment, I work one day a week to pay for his petrol to get to work for one week - a sobering thought. Think it's time to swop cars. Trouble is, travelling that far you need a bit of comfort don't you? Bernie aka Dexterdog
          Bernie aka DDL

          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


          • #35
            I agree Alice, more people need to use PT. In fact, I'm one of them! The problem is that it is inconvienient.
            A 30 minute car ride to work (20 miles) would take over 1 hour on public transport (and that includes walking 2 miles from home to the bus stop and from the bus stop to work!)

            We walk to the village to do our shopping, rather than drive to the supermarket, but do drive to go on most holidays - camping, rather than fly abroad a couple of times a year.

            My 4x4 uses up no more fuel in a month than my sister's Fiesta. We spend the same amount in a month, although I only have to fill up twice and she fills up 3 or 4 times.

            If I could afford a new "greener" car that is suitable for wht I use it for now, I would, but sadly I doubt my �4k would go very far!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
              Two Sheds,
              I just wonder what the death toll is for irrespondible cyclists?
              Well, its less than for irresponsible motorists!

              Yes, they were bloody daft not having lights, but on the four occasions I've had actual collisions, its been in broad daylight - drivers just not looking. Well, the one behind me on the roundabout said he saw me, he just didn't know why he accelerated over me! (trigger happy on the clutch I think)

              Last night I counted NO cyclists without lights, but 2 cars.

              NO cyclists on pavements, but about 10 cars (parked).

              Oh dear, have I started?
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                Two Sheds, I just wonder what the death toll is for irrespondible cyclists?
                Well, its less than for irresponsible motorists! (speeding, failure to look, drink driving, driving while tired...)

                Yes, they were bloody daft not having lights, but would not have injured anyone but themselves in a collision
                On the four occasions I've had actual collisions, its been in broad daylight - drivers just not looking. Well, the one behind me on the roundabout said he saw me, he just didn't know why he accelerated over me (trigger happy on the clutch I think)

                Last night I counted NO cyclists without lights, but 2 cars.

                NO cyclists on pavements, but about 10 cars (parked).
                Nice shiny bike lane down main road...6 cars parked on it.

                Oh dear, have I started?
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #38
                  Two Sheds is right on this one.

                  I've stared death in the face twice - both times as a cyclist trying to navigate my way around roundabouts in the dark in the rain. I was lit up like Blackpool f*****g Illuminations, high-vs jacket the lot. Once I was knocked 15 feet in the air by a half pissed jag driver on his way home from the golf club, landed on his bonnet and he didn't stop until he had parked in B&Q car park whereupon he got out and dusted me off before racing away. I could smell whisky on his breath (I'm familiar with that particular aroma). I was too shocked to talk or take his number.

                  I'm afraid its the drivers that are most to blame here.
                  The law will hang the man or woman
                  Who steals the goose from off the common
                  But lets the greater thief go loose
                  Who steals the common from the goose


                  • #39
                    Yes, you do have some irresponsible cyclists (no lights, dark clothing, ignoring traffic signals (which they don't seem to think apply to then etc), but the vast majority of us are responsible mature citizens trying very hard to save the environment, keep ourselves fit, and get from A to B with as little hassle as possible. Cycle lanes blocked by parked cars, drivers not paying attention or looking for cyclists before they pull out out from junctions are a daily hazard. It puts years on you, even if you do get to your destination safely (today)


                    • #40
                      I know how you feel JG I've had a few close calls my self the trouble the b******s don't take their guide dogs with them.
                      Last edited by bubblewrap; 24-03-2007, 07:19 AM.
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                        Budgets aren't meant to help you. They're a tool to keep the present Govt in power!
                        Sorry it's late found yesterday

                        Last edited by bubblewrap; 15-04-2007, 08:34 AM.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


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