... and fingers crossed that it's screened topsoil and not full of Orrible Weeds
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I need the earth
Just made contact with a local landscape gardener dude - has a plentiful supply.A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post... and fingers crossed that it's screened topsoil and not full of Orrible WeedsA simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
When to the manshop (Homebase) with Bean on Saturday morning to buy some rubble sacks in readiness for collecting above-mentioned topsoil on Sunday afternoon.
Got up Sunday morning to go out on bikes with pal, and adjusted my front derailleur (gears were notching a bit last time). Then felt my back go "ping". Went out for 21 mile bike ride, pumped up the tyre twice and then changed inner tube (tiniest of thorns had made a miniscule hole in the tube) and got back home.
Called dude to tell him I won't be over to dig out and fill, lift, load, unload bags of earth into the back of my car.
Gutted.A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
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