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Thank you Dexterdog...


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  • Thank you Dexterdog...

    A big thank you to Dexterdog aka Bernie for showing me around her allotment today.

    It looks like Bernie's worked wonders in the short time she's had the plot and is ready to plant in the beds. Well done! Expect some phots of bumper crops soon.
    I've had my weetabix...

  • #2
    Sounds great. I wish I'd been there. I just love to see what other people are growing, and how they're growing it.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      What a lovely compliment to Bernie that is, and I look forward to some photos. Me too Alice...!
      Thanks for sharing the joy Eternal Sunshine, I love the enjoyment I get from other people's plots. There are allotoments to the side of the main road I travel sometimes, and I nearly crash into oncoming traffic every time I pass by, as I'm so thrilled by the sight of what's happening on their plots I can barely keep my eye on the road.....


      • #4
        I so agree with Wellie on this - I love having a nose round at the others plots at the Hill but am a bit self conscious doing so on my own, so it was lovely to combine having partner-in-grime Jane with me today for a (rare!) lazy morning having a dig, a sow, a gossip and a nose around! Surely this is what it is all about!
        Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 25-03-2007, 02:27 AM. Reason: d'oh - grammar!


        • #5
          I also love having a nosey around people's plots - here we don't have allotments as we're too rural but I have been known to stop outside a house with a large potager, leap out the car and start taking pics/engaging the gardener in conversation.

          There are two plots/gardens in my local town that just look perfect but the people have been in the house/garden for thirty years plus each and have the whole thing organised like a work of art.
          TonyF, Dordogne 24220


          • #6
            Gosh! Thank you Eternal Sunshine for your very kind comments! I'd just like to say its not just me - I think that everyone has done the same at some point - ie. taken over a lottie, or piece of land, or converted their back garden etc. I'd like to remind all newbies that however overgrown or horrible your "patch" may be - just take it easy, and divide it up into manageable "chunks" - and you'll soon get there! OH is going to sort out my pc later tonight so I'll post some photos of the "finished results" later!
            Thank you once again everyone and Eternal Sunshine for your lovely comments!
            I'm sure that you'll soon get a lottie of your own Eternal Sunshine! If it's not with me, then hopefully next door then we can visit each other and have a natter!
            Bernie aka Dexterdog
            Bernie aka DDL

            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


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