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  • Voting

    PLEASE Don't forget to vote today

    It is impotent it took my years of struggle to get everyone the VOTE.use it or loose it.
    The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
    Brian Clough

  • #2
    Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post

    It is impotent
    That's why many people don't bother

    (just pulling yer leg BW, we'll be off down the polling station after tea as usual)
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-05-2011, 08:09 AM.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      We don't seem to have recieved any polling cards?????!!
      AKA Angie


      • #4
        Will do Bubblewrap - thanks for the reminder.

        It may be impotent but it is also important!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #5
          You don't need your polling card to vote - I seem to have lost mine (surprise surprise) but my name should be on their list anyway.
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #6
            We're all on the list. Many, many lists.
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • #7
              Thanks Jeanie, realise that but find it odd that we haven't recieved any and youngest daughter who voted last year has not had any electoral bumf at all through the post. I guess either Royal Mail have lost them or the local council, either way should not be suprised.
              AKA Angie


              • #8
                Is this your lot, SR?
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  I'm a bit of a hypocirt here - haven't voted ever. Mainly becauase I find politics boring, but then I'll have a scoff when a change affects me.

                  I never learn though.

                  I had the Welsh nationalist party knocking on my door a few weeks back, made me chuckle as I'm English living here They didn't see the funny side :/ Still, left a leaflet that went straight into the recycling. Can't stand pushy a**eholes.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                    haven't voted ever. Mainly becauase I find politics boring
                    We all find politics boring. Nearly everyone enjoys voting though: just look at X Factor and all that lot.

                    Quite often people don't vote because they don't understand the issues, or can't be bothered to look into what each candidate is promising. And of course, you can vote in every single election in your life and NEVER pick the winning candidate (that would be me)

                    Do vote though... even if you write NONE OF THEM on your paper
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Even if you don't have/vote in local elections, this referendum is far, far too important to ignore! Please please take the time out to vote YES or No, this may be the last chance for a long while to gwt some kind of reform. And if the gov't can say 'nobody bothers with referendums' we might not see many more of them either!!
                      I'm voting YES because I believe that even a small change is better than no change at all. And Stephen Fry says so, and he's clever... (joke obv.)


                      • #12
                        Think you hit the nail on the head there TS. I don't understand the issues, I also don't seem to have the time to sit down and go through it all to work out which way I'd go. I tend to finally sit down for good about 9PM, and goto bed shortly after.. I *NEED* to retire. Or win the lotto?


                        • #13
                          I did mine by post **PB polishes her halo in a smug manner**


                          • #14
                            I have a don't vote don't moan attitude and I like to moan. We have local elections too, so I shall be off later. Its all worked out better than the last general election: I was never registered and left it too late to do anything about it but the OH, who cannot vote in this country, was registered.


                            • #15
                              Do you know, TS might have struck on a good idea. Run the elections like the X-Factor, more people might vote with free phone numbers, especially the ones who don't like to leave the comfort of their couches.
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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