Oh well, I'll start it all again! 
My name is Suzanne, and my hubby's name is Lee, and I'm afraid we are definitely seedaholics, not only that, but we are proud and open about the fact too!
Yesterday we popped into our local GC, only to emerge with most of next years seeds bought, at 50% off! Now have a further 2 types of broad bean, another 2 types of peas, another 3 types of onions, another 4 types of squash and pumpkin and lots of other nice stuff too!
If we were sensible, then we could probably get away without having to buy any more seeds (except seed tatties, overwintering garlic and some onion sets for overwintering) until the year after next, but I have a feeling we will still be spending some more money on seeds for the coming year!

My name is Suzanne, and my hubby's name is Lee, and I'm afraid we are definitely seedaholics, not only that, but we are proud and open about the fact too!

Yesterday we popped into our local GC, only to emerge with most of next years seeds bought, at 50% off! Now have a further 2 types of broad bean, another 2 types of peas, another 3 types of onions, another 4 types of squash and pumpkin and lots of other nice stuff too!
If we were sensible, then we could probably get away without having to buy any more seeds (except seed tatties, overwintering garlic and some onion sets for overwintering) until the year after next, but I have a feeling we will still be spending some more money on seeds for the coming year!
