A mackerel sky is when the clouds lie in stripes but look like the patterned scales on the side of a mackerel - difficult to describe - you'll know when you see it! Here it is a very good indicator of strong winds especially as we sail.
Woke to quite a bit of snow (5/6"?), but gale force winds during the day have blown up some HUGE drifts. Got one five feet tall in the garden, with a beautiful curved shape. Fell into a huge drift while walking the dog - she didn't even notice as she was in an even bigger one herself! Currently white out conditions.
How do the plants survive under the snow? I had been so excited about two tiny little sprouts of broccoli - my first
Do you think they will survive? My kale had also just started to take off and had sprouted some new leaves - was really looking forward to that.
Woke to quite a bit of snow (5/6"?), but gale force winds during the day have blown up some HUGE drifts. Got one five feet tall in the garden, with a beautiful curved shape. Fell into a huge drift while walking the dog - she didn't even notice as she was in an even bigger one herself! Currently white out conditions.
How do the plants survive under the snow? I had been so excited about two tiny little sprouts of broccoli - my first