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Minor Rant Thread part 4


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  • Carol,in male parlance the "horizontal clothes hanger" is the correct term not "left on his bedroom floor"
    He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


    • We call it The Floordrobe!
      I am usually the guilty party.
      Last edited by Flummery; 19-07-2011, 09:42 AM.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • Floordrobe,excellent I am going to steal that, thank you Flummery
        Last edited by CaroltheCarrot; 19-07-2011, 09:46 AM.


        • We chatting or what?
          My rant is next door's builders who are fine when she's at home but swear like troopers when she's out. Spoils a nice sit in the garden, it does. Mind you, I know more about their sex lives than the News of the World did about ANYONE'S!
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • Pet insurance that has gone up 4 billion % (ok 25) despite never once having made a claim!

            People who bother to bag their dogs mess only to chuck it into the trees, better I suppose than the manky gits who dont pick it up at all


            • Originally posted by CaroltheCarrot View Post
              People who bother to bag their dogs mess only to chuck it into the trees, better I suppose than the manky gits who dont pick it up at all
              With you on that one Carol cos someone has left a huge pile right outside but to the left of my gate, course thats the way I walk. Not stepped in it yet mind. Why should I pick it up. ( will eventually )
              Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
              and ends with backache


              • Originally posted by CaroltheCarrot View Post

                People who bother to bag their dogs mess only to chuck it into the trees, better I suppose than the manky gits who dont pick it up at all
                The lazy git who bags his/her dogs mess and throws the bag into my front garden. The black bin lives in the front garden and I would be quite happy for the lazy so and so to come in and deposit said bags in the bin. Just wait till I catch them.
                Last edited by rustylady; 19-07-2011, 11:44 AM. Reason: can't spell this morning


                • The kind person who pruned my loganberry for me. He/she cut off all the new canes


                  • Originally posted by jackie j View Post
                    With you on that one Carol cos someone has left a huge pile right outside but to the left of my gate, course thats the way I walk. Not stepped in it yet mind. Why should I pick it up. ( will eventually )
                    I got a big pile of someone elses' in the front drive this morning.

                    Lost my temper with the house that leaves all their rubbish on the pavement this morning and chucked it all back over their fence. And their children have STILL got nits at school and so are constantly passing it on to everyone elses offspring. Why can't they comb them out? You can see them crawling over the 6 year olds head all the time. Not fair on their children (they have 7....) or all the other children at school.


                    • My next rant, at myself for not going to the plot this morning,its chucking it down now


                      • I so remember that one Vicky, having to do my baby's hair at about 10 months old and it was the stuff you left on for a while, he was sick as I was washing it off, he got it from one of his older brothers. I went storming round to the Headmaster and said ' do you know which family this is from ' of course he knew but couldnt tell me who it was so I said ' then damn well do something about it or I keep my children home till you do'. Result family kept off school my kids clear as was everyone else's. It was always the same son who brought it home, till I said keep your head away from everyone or else. ( not sure what I would have done ). I did show the boys a nit under a microscope and they went urgh that has been in my head. yep they got it alright.

                        Like Carol rant at me, I left the compost bin I put all my veg in at the lottie so now I have to fetch it *)_()*($)_(*^&$
                        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                        and ends with backache


                        • Of all the days it chooses not to rain it has to be the day I don't bother putting any washing out as I was out all day
                          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                          • Bring back the nit nurse is what I say.

                            Burglar/Security Alarm going off at work, outside my office, for 4 hours (imagine a very, very loud car alarm). Estates Management couldn't turn it off, so it will cost them a packet to send for the security company who installed it. Still going off 4 hours later when I left. We don't even use the bloomin' thing, our doors are security controlled.
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Allotment weedwatchers!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Boring old shits have stuck a demeaning notice up next to the stand pipe which myself and 3 others use. Notice says "CHECK.......Have you left the tap running"
                              Innocuous you may think, but we have a large notice at the main gate and our standpipe was the only one targeted with another notice. I've taken the screws out and boomeranged it into the Dene below the allotments.
                              If the old farts (who by the way all have branches from the water main tee'd off into there own plots or greenhouses, where no one can see them wasting water!) want to add a notice to every tap, including their indoor ones I could possibly agree to let them know where I flung it.

                              I was so livid I contemplated screwing it onto the presumed perpetrators shed door!!!!!!!

                              btw these lot aren't democratically elected into their water police positions and I suspect are the worst offenders.

                              *Phew..............deffo feel better for that*

                              thanks for listening!
                              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                              Diversify & prosper


                              • Should have wrote underneath......No, it's just having a short jog.
                                sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                                Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                                Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                                KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


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