Snails. Last year it was slugs. This year it's snails.
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Minor Rant Thread part 4
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Walked youngest down to bus stop this morning, to find son No2 still waiting for his bus to secondary school (25mins after he should have gone), others also waiting at stop up road. My sons (one off sick today) are the only ones who walk to bus stop, others all driven there and sit in cars waiting for bus. Son informed me that they'd all driven off several minutes ago - rant is that they had all driven off to take the children to school but not a one asked my lad if he'd like a lift, although they all had enough room in the car for one more, and one family is children that often used to come round to ours and I've done all sorts for them in the past. Also, no doubt they all made their seperate way to school, 3 cars when 1 would have done. What hope is there for the world eh, both pollution wise and the fact that people are so bladdy insular. Fair enough if my lad was some kind of foul mouthed, knife weilding hooligan, but a nicer lad you'd go a long way to find.
Feeling better now, ta!
p.s. Car full of older girls stopped to tell me that the bus had already gone, 10 mins early (useless or what!) - they had a space in the car so I cheekily asked if they could give my lad a lift, which they did - he'll not be happy with me when he gets home!!!Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
The old b!tch who tore me off a strip for using a disabled loo. I explained that I got caught short and had to change my "internal device" pronto! ... and offered to show her if she wanted proof. She then said "that's alright then", like it's UP TO HER who uses the darn loo
Last edited by Two_Sheds; 16-06-2011, 05:20 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
husbands who continually break garden forks due to abuse pure and simple. Its been one a week over the last 3 weeks including the lovely shiny wilco stainless steel with the beautiful wooden handle that was bought last time he trashed a fork. How do I deach someone that just because you can lift a ton on one arm does not mean your fork can go in rock hard ground or gluey clay up to the hilt then have someone's entire body weight on it! We have one broken handle, one irreperably twisted pair of fork teeth (from bashing clods with the edge apparently) and the wilco casualty with one twisted tooth....oh and he has managed to straighten a chillington hoe..........I am buying myself a lovely fork, painting it pink and flowery all over and putting I love boys stickers on it. Then it might be safe. GGGRRR!
I don't know whether I'm upset to the point of crying, or angry with myself. There were insufficient drainage holes in the buckets, I've overwatered and the compost in most of the pots of tomatoes has stagnated, which I'm told will kill the roots. It's the first year I've had saucers underneath them all, only grew half the amount because we were sick of them last year there were so many and I'd erected a lovely structure so they wouldn't blow down. Stupid, stupid, stupid.Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Cancelled meetings. The second this week.
Yesterday's was the worse - 3 hours drive there and an overnight - and the bloke went home sick 10 mins before the meeting.
Just glad I hadn't booked a hotel for thursday's 8am meeting; as they have just cancelled that.....grrrr
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