I have my grandson one day a week after school and would dearly love to have him more often, but she would rather pay for childcare in the holidays then let me have him.
When he was born I offered to have him whenever they needed me to as long as it didnt interfere with me working, so I had him all day friday and took him to mum's and toddlers where everyone thought he was mine. I also looked after him as and when was needed sometimes overnight. I am lucky that he only lives a couple of miles away.
My own mum helped when she could but as she was in her 40's when she had me I felt it would be too much for her to look after my kids. I also didnt have my kids for someone else to bring up and I have always fitted work around them, working evenings and nights when their dad was home.
When were you hoping to go away, ( serious offer here ) Send them down to me, or I could come to you. I have always wanted to look after kids lol.
When he was born I offered to have him whenever they needed me to as long as it didnt interfere with me working, so I had him all day friday and took him to mum's and toddlers where everyone thought he was mine. I also looked after him as and when was needed sometimes overnight. I am lucky that he only lives a couple of miles away.
My own mum helped when she could but as she was in her 40's when she had me I felt it would be too much for her to look after my kids. I also didnt have my kids for someone else to bring up and I have always fitted work around them, working evenings and nights when their dad was home.
When were you hoping to go away, ( serious offer here ) Send them down to me, or I could come to you. I have always wanted to look after kids lol.