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Top Five Favourite Films


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  • #16
    Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
    How could I forget "The Life of Brian"?!!! Also the "Meaning of Life"?!!! Bernie aka Dexterdog
    PS "Always look on the bright side of life!!"
    da da da da da da da da !!


    • #17
      Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
      How could I forget "The Life of Brian"?!!! Also the "Meaning of Life"?!!! Bernie aka Dexterdog
      PS "Always look on the bright side of life!!"
      Wots wrong with Monty python & the Holy Grail?
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #18
        And now something completly different!
        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
        Brian Clough


        • #19
          Hey all

          I went to New York in January this year (horrendously cold then got horrendously ill on the 3rd day..ended up in a coma..but enough already )my old man and I went to a restaurant called 'Bubba Gump's Shrimp House' where, to get on the waiting list for a table, you had to name your favourite film. Ours was 'Sleepless in Seattle' which we were known by for the rest of the evening i.e 'Sleepless wants more beer/ fries etc' - it was great! Ok, so I'm ready.....but this is soooooooo hard..

          Sleepless (obviously)
          Dead Poets Society
          Dirty Dancing
          Edward Scissorhands

          (or Pirates....JD just does it for me.....yum!)

          Hands up who can tell I've had a couple of glasses of red!

          Squash Muppet


          • #20
            In no particular order -

            Galaxy quest
            Life of Brian
            Blazing Saddles
            Sleepless in Seattle (Chick flick!)
            Pirates of the Carbibean
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #21
              Not really a film person but ....

              Wilt (Griff Rhys Jone & Mel Smith were perfect in this)
              Pirates of the Caribean (JD can actually do an english accent!!)
              Hound of th Baskervilles (Either the Basil Rathbone B&W or The spoof with Peter Cook & Dudley Moore - V. Funny)
              Big Trouble in Little China - superb
              The 39 Steps (any of them although the B&W is best for atmosphere)
              Never be afraid to try something new.
              Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
              A large group of professionals built the Titanic


              • #22
                This is really difficult isn't it, so I'm going for films I have seen at least two or three times (the ones you find something new in at each time of watching)

                Shawshank Redemption
                Sophie's Choice
                Jean de Florette
                Chariots of Fire
                Last edited by muckdiva; 31-03-2007, 10:47 PM. Reason: Oh heck, how could I have left out my all time favourite...
                All at once I hear your voice
                And time just slips away
                Bonnie Raitt


                • #23
                  Master and Commander
                  Jurassic Park
                  28 Days Later


                  • #24
                    I'm compiling my list, and I'm hugely respectful of previous choices so far, given that I totally agree. I'm stuck on one vital one that I definitely have to have as my all-time-favourite, and I CANNOT remember the name of the film.
                    The lead is John Travolta. The plot thickens around him in a cafe drinking coffee and setting off bombs. Huge power/ego movie, and it's just brilliant.
                    It's on the tip of my tongue.....


                    • #25
                      [QUOTE=Squash Muppet;83894]Hey all

                      I went to New York in January this year (horrendously cold then got horrendously ill on the 3rd day..ended up in a coma..but enough already )my old man and I went to a restaurant called 'Bubba Gump's Shrimp House' where, to get on the waiting list for a table, you had to name your favourite film. Ours was 'Sleepless in Seattle' which we were known by for the rest of the evening i.e 'Sleepless wants more beer/ fries etc' - it was great! Ok, so I'm ready.....but this is soooooooo hard..

                      We went to bubba gumps in San Francisco and when we were waiting for our order we were quized about Forest Gump! but isnt the food yummy
                      Last edited by ugly gourd; 01-04-2007, 02:12 PM.


                      • #26
                        Hey ugly gourd

                        Love the name by the way!

                        Yep, the food was amazing - especially the chilli corn bread. Give me some more NOW!!!

                        Hope all is growing well with you.

                        Blessed be

                        Squash muppet


                        • #27

                          Isn't the film Swordfish, also has Haillie Berrie in it and perhaps - not absolutely sure as I can't find my copy, John Cuzack?
                          TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                          • #28
                            Local Hero
                            Hear My Song
                            Star Wars
                            What Ever happened to Baby Jane
                            Anything with close ups of Cate Blanchett
                            The law will hang the man or woman
                            Who steals the goose from off the common
                            But lets the greater thief go loose
                            Who steals the common from the goose


                            • #29
                              High society
                              Some like it hot
                              Star Wars
                              The Full Monty
                              Life of Brian

                              Last three are the only films I have paid to watch more than once.


                              • #30
                                You beat me by a gnat's whisker! It is indeed Swordfish.... Did you enjoy it?
                                I've seen it three times now, and with every viewing, I notice and take in more to the plot. Brilliant film.
                                The Bone Collector is an excellent film too...


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