Looking forward to my career change, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later, I'm starting to do some homework now.
One thing I've thought to be useful would be a (I think its called) a domain name.
For example, my email address could be [email protected]
I think the @rubbishgardener.com is the domain name, but how do I go about getting one/finding one, how much do they cost, are there annual fees etc etc?
All help, as always huuuuuuugely appreciated.
One thing I've thought to be useful would be a (I think its called) a domain name.
For example, my email address could be [email protected]
I think the @rubbishgardener.com is the domain name, but how do I go about getting one/finding one, how much do they cost, are there annual fees etc etc?
All help, as always huuuuuuugely appreciated.