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Feel like throwing in the towel?


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  • #16
    I have two plots and keep threatening to give one up as the weeding is not dissimilar to painting the Forth bridge!
    Then I look at my beds, which are full of produce and say "Bugger the weeds on the paths, it will be winter soon and it can keep me occupied through the winter months!"
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #17
      or you could be like our Wal who says bugger the weeds they hide the produce from the pigeons and rabbits.
      I have times when I think what the bladdy 'ell am I doing, my onions are like spring onions and my spring onions are like chives then I go into the CG and see the onions I grew alongside my own and think ...see I can do it , I just need lots of chicken poo and go back and have a proper look beyond the weeds at what there is . Then go home and look in the freezers that are full of the surplus which then makes me remind myself that ok the carrots are non-existant but I have all this and I haven't bought veg for months.
      I think I better shut up now ....rambling
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • #18
        I feel like that when it's time to process everything. Last year it was the produce from 200 tomato plants [yes I know it was excessive now], this year it's the fruit. I went out today and picked two carrier bags of crab apples for jelly.
        This year however I have a different plan for it. Last year i used it all for presents and me. This year I'll attempt to sell it at a couple of craft fairs. If it sells, that's my christmas money sorted.
        Even if I do feel like jam is now coming out of my eyeballs.


        • #19
          I know how your feel HW but for other reasons.
          Mr HF and I did go over there last night, I did the girls (bees) Mr HF dug potatoes - I cried my heart out cos I miss my little cat so much. I would be over there all the time with him as my companion. 16 years of that is a long time. He was always at my heels - or up a a fruit tree. broken hearted

          We have seen a increase in the number of people not wanting to keep their plots for another year and a decrease in those wanting a plot.
          Its jolly hard work. Many see the fab tv guys picking perfect carrots, they do not see the team of gardeners helping maintain their perfect plots. Sorry not a moan here, as the 'tv' growers have really helped get people interested in 'growing their own' - which is a really good thing. But, it is jolly hard work and even when hard work has been put in there is always the weather/pests/un expected happenings in ones life - all these things make you it all worth it? and I say YES cos when you eat something that you have grown or pick your own bunch of flowers its a great feeling knowing that you nurtured that crop and it has produced something lovely.
          Dont give up, take a step back, have a rest but dont give up folks.
          Last edited by Headfry; 23-08-2011, 08:00 AM.


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