I spent 23 years jumpiong out of them, so landing is still an unusual experience.
Statistically its the safest form of motorised travel, fact.
I fly in anything from great big double decker things to little 6 seaters and I'm just soooooo bored of it, but, there was just one time, flying from Dubai to Kabul on Ariana airlines (The Afghan national airline) into an airport that still doesnt have radar, with visibilty down to less than about 50ft, though the large mountain range that surrounds the place, I must confess to having had the slightest amount of worry.
As was said above though, the pilot wants to go home just as much as I do.
Statistically its the safest form of motorised travel, fact.
I fly in anything from great big double decker things to little 6 seaters and I'm just soooooo bored of it, but, there was just one time, flying from Dubai to Kabul on Ariana airlines (The Afghan national airline) into an airport that still doesnt have radar, with visibilty down to less than about 50ft, though the large mountain range that surrounds the place, I must confess to having had the slightest amount of worry.
As was said above though, the pilot wants to go home just as much as I do.