Pretty intelligent dog I think, she is used to French windows with people outside, and is extrapolating from that to..."oh, there's a big window where I can see people, let's go find them !" 
Reminds me of my old Nan, who was a bit of a character. Somewhat old fashioned (ie Victorian) and not well educated, she never did learn much about technology, and was once heard to ask regarding the TV (apparently in all honesty) "How do they get the people so small in that box ?"
Not that daft an uninformed question actually, when you think about it... Maybe she might have been a rocket scientist in another world, and it was just the effects of having had thirteen children.

Reminds me of my old Nan, who was a bit of a character. Somewhat old fashioned (ie Victorian) and not well educated, she never did learn much about technology, and was once heard to ask regarding the TV (apparently in all honesty) "How do they get the people so small in that box ?"
