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My Dog Is A Monster !


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  • #16
    it really depends because i work on contracts sometimes im gone for two weeks but i would leave lilly at my mums house and what type of dog you got i just stuck mine as my avatar i got more on facebook


    • #17
      Staffie cross ~ she's a rescue and was very aggressive towards other dogs when we got her in January. With careful socialisation and some use of a muzzle she is now delightful, and plays nicely
      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-10-2011, 10:58 AM.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #18
        I'm struggling to work out why you got a small puppy if you weren't sure of how your present dog would react to it.
        I'd get them together ASAP before your first dog starts to act with resentment towards the it's eyes this new baby has taken her place by your side.
        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


        • #19
          Ive always wanted a doberman and ive got a big enough house for dogs to run around, they have met each other i just dont want lils to play with him because like i said she still plays with dogs like she is anckle high and likes to sit on and stand on smaller dogs


          • #20
            I am going to bow out of this thread in case I say something I shouldn't!
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • #21
              go for it mate take no notice of it im not 12
              Last edited by JamieSmith; 05-10-2011, 11:36 AM.


              • #22
                That's not really the attitude we expect on these forums, JamieSmith..

                Let's keep it on subject please.

                You've had some great tips.. it may be worth seeking professional advice (dog behaviourist? (spelling?)) if the above doesn't work out for you?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                  That's not really the attitude we expect on these forums, JamieSmith..

                  Let's keep it on subject please.

                  You've had some great tips.. it may be worth seeking professional advice (dog behaviourist? (spelling?)) if the above doesn't work out for you?
                  I was keeping on subject ACTUALLY and did you say that to the other guy spitting his dummie out for nothing ?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by JamieSmith View Post
                    I was keeping on subject ACTUALLY and did you say that to the other guy spitting his dummie out for nothing ?
                    Sorry Jamie - but:
                    Originally posted by JamieSmith View Post
                    go for it mate take no notice of it im not 12
                    To me comes across as trying to entice G4 to retaliate.. which with this being a family forum we don't want here.

                    I'm not sure what other person you're referring to, I'm more than happy to discuss via PM if you wish?
                    Last edited by chris; 05-10-2011, 12:42 PM. Reason: spelling!


                    • #25
                      As the (fairly) experienced owner of 2 large bull breeds (2 male Boxers at about 5 stone each) I shall put my oar in!

                      Your resident dog needs to learn to behave with new puppy; and puppy needs to learn to behave around grown-up dogs
                      Shutting her out of the house will confuse her, as she has no idea what she has done to deserve this.
                      New puppy needs a crate and somewhere safe to go, and resident dog needs a place to go (inside) to get away from puppy play/baby teeth.
                      You could try a house line on one or both the dogs, then you can get involved if there is play that is too rough/dangerous.
                      Also consider using dog gates (like baby gates but higher) to seperate bits of the house out so you can keep the dogs seperate if needed.
                      Using a crate (or 2 crates) properly will ensure that each dog has a space to go when they wish to be alone, or you wish for some dog free time.
                      Ensure both dogs have age-appropriate toys - kongs are brilliant, and there are also lots of tough-play dog toys available - we have had great success with tug-a-jugs - you can fill them with food and the dog has to work out how to get it out.

                      It is entirely possible to bring a puppy in and keep the resident dog in the house. Our eldest was very protective of 'his' puppy when we got our second dog....


                      • #26
                        If she is used to following you around, she may think she is pack leader and you are the 'puppy' she should be looking after, perpetual following is often 'minding the baby' behaviour (more often than it is anything else). As everyone else has said, shutting her out for the benefit of the puppy is only going to make her dislike the new one.
                        In any case, a puppy is probably better off in a crate when you can't supervise it, and if you CAN supervise, I see no reason for the adult to be excluded. The only time you might want her out of the room (not the whole house) would be when you want to train the pup (she might try to help, or get confused)
                        I counted to 100 before posting, because without that I might well have had G4's problem. Some of us have to control our tendency to get hot under the collar at what looks like.... misguided... treatment of animals.
                        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                        • #27
                          Nice dogs OWG


                          • #28
                            Nice dogs !! thsnks for the advice CASE CLOSED NO MORE THREADS PLEASE and how do you close this thread?


                            • #29
                              Thread closed as requested.


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