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  • Magazines

    How many do you subscribe to and how long do you keep them?

    Currently I have:
    1) Gardens Illustrated
    2) RHS - The Garden
    3) Gardener's World
    4) The English Garden
    5) Runner's World
    6) Women's Running
    7) Let's Knit
    8) Knit Today

    ...and I keep them all for one year, when I get a new edition I remove the oldest - it's part of my OCD

    Blimey, no wonder I have hardly any time left over for gardening, running and knitting!

  • #2

    My wife has a few, Cath Kidston and Mollie Makes ring a bell..

    I'd prefer a digital copy (i get a newspaper daily, on my ipad which is quite cool - saves paper and all that). Are you listening/reading, GYO eds?
    Last edited by chris; 01-11-2011, 03:00 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
      I'd prefer a digital copy....
      A pal just told me she 'reads everything online' - how on earth can you take that into the bath or to bed with hot chocolate!


      • #4
        I only get 'Home Farmer'.... I have been getting them for 3 years... but after about a year, I take the mag apart and file the bits that I want (recipes, chook info, craft makes etc)


        • #5
          My OH takes her copy of Country Homes & Interiors into the bath with her, its never the same afterwards, all buckled and curly.

          I have GYO, and KBB and The smallholder, but I only tend to look at the pictures really. I like to read the property news and my parents Saga magazine though I'd never tell them that.
          Last edited by Mikey; 01-11-2011, 04:34 PM.
          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


          • #6
            OH goodness, this is our weakness!
            We got a lot of special offers which are about to expire, () you know the "3 mags for �3 and 5 mags for �5"
            Between us we get:
            History Mag
            Gardeners World
            Dr Who Adventures (This is my 8 year olds...honest!!)
            Good Food
            and Prof Photographer (although this was a gift sub from a well meaning rellie, and I actually dont really open it as its mainly full of 'glamour')
            I also buy Black and White Photography when I have the any that catch my eye, but I try not to go into newsagents or down the mag aisles in supermarkets!!!


            • #7
              Infact I dont think I'll look at the rest of this thread, as it might give me ideas!


              • #8
                I get RHS - The Garden every month but never read it
                Its too posh for me!
                I recycle them to the Doctors surgery every couple of months


                • #9
                  Would anyone living near Cardiff like a great pile of Grow Your Own magazines - probably starting with the first issue? I haven't been able to just send them to recycling, but I will Freecycle them soon if nobody here wants them. I also have Kitchen Garden and Gardeners World back numbers which really must go. I need to reclaim by cupboard!


                  • #10
                    Tempting Veggiechicken but BH would kill me if I said yes.


                    • #11
                      Live dangerously!


                      • #12
                        I usually prefer to get a book out of the library than buy endless mags (full of ads), but I do get:

                        - International Artist
                        - Burda Style (40 free sewing patterns in each one)

                        I hate clutter, so I eBay them once I've read/copied the bits I want
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 01-11-2011, 06:45 PM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          Like you Two Sheds I think books are better value than mags. I buy books from the various online book retailers many of which can be bought for less than the price of a magazine. Most of the magazines I've tried seem to be scratching around for something new after a year or two. Having said that I still have magazines as part of membership subscriptions to the RHS, Garden Organic, Cottage Garden Society and subscribe to Permaculture and Living Woods.


                          • #14
                            I just bye Amateur gardener each week, and GYO each month. Maybe anthing else that looks interesting Veg wise.

                            Help Wildlife.
                            Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


                            • #15
                              Is our list allowed to contain mags that come with a membership?

                              ie RSPB


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