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"friday night"


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  • "friday night"

    I stink of 8 pints of Stella and a Donner Kebab! Morning everyone one!
    What did you lot get up to last night, does anyone still bother going out on friday nights?
    " Thou shall not lay a hedge when the birds are nesting"

  • #2
    I went to bed at 7:30 and slept right through.

    I did spend 3 days building a 16ft by 24ft polytunnel, with only 1 chap helping; 2 chaps on weds but it rained and it was like a mud bath. I ache more from slipping and sliding in the mud than from anything else. As I was drilling holes, my feet were sliding me away from the place I was trying to drill from....slither.


    • #3
      There were whizzbangs going off until about midnight last night, v.annoying when Himself needed to be up and out by five am, but hey ho, it's only for 32 nights of the year (or so it seems).

      Going out? It's OK when it's light warm evenings, but no, cold ones are spent indoors all snuggly
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        In bed by 9.30 with a cold. My youngest lad was out though, probably doing Stella and kebabs
        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


        • #5
          Originally posted by Cranford Steve View Post
          I stink of 8 pints of Stella and a Donner Kebab! Morning everyone one!
          What did you lot get up to last night, does anyone still bother going out on friday nights?
          You bother - so that's one! Friday night is only important when you're working and need the weekend off to recover. I no longer have to work for a living - therefore I don't need to go out on Friday. 'Nuff said!


          • #6
            Having been up all week at 04:20am for my job, i was knackered and went to bed at 22:30, read two pages of a book (alloted time) and passed out!
            Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


            • #7
              I went over to Liverpool to play a poker tournament at the casino. Didn't play well but enjoyed the craic. On the way back to the car I found a tenner on the floor.......which equals 10 random lottery tickets for the 10m rollover tonight. It's fate.......this time tomorrow............

              Loving my allotment!


              • #8
                Fretted over animals/birds because, as TS said we are on continuous bonfire night fizz bangs. If it kicks off for hours tonight I shall be in the news tomorrow, having panned somebody.
                Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                • #9
                  By the time you have got to my age matey you will have learned sense and 10 pints of Anything in one sitting will just be a distant memory.


                  • #10
                    I finished work at 5pm, went home, had tea, loaded the rods into the car..
                    Buzzed up the A133, up the A12, accross the A14 (past the accident) and headed to Felixstowe, a nice night to be on the beach, shame the cod werent there!
                    Good company, good casting practice, packed up at 2.30 this morning, a quick Mcdonalds, in bed by 4am, up at 8am for work, several coffee's and here we are!! lol
                    <*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cptncrackoff View Post
                      I finished work at 5pm, went home, had tea, loaded the rods into the car..
                      Buzzed up the A133, up the A12, accross the A14 (past the accident) and headed to Felixstowe, a nice night to be on the beach, shame the cod werent there!
                      Good company, good casting practice, packed up at 2.30 this morning, a quick Mcdonalds, in bed by 4am, up at 8am for work, several coffee's and here we are!! lol
                      And they call me mad!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cptncrackoff View Post
                        I finished work at 5pm, went home, had tea, loaded the rods into the car..
                        Buzzed up the A133, up the A12, accross the A14 (past the accident) and headed to Felixstowe, a nice night to be on the beach, shame the cod werent there!
                        Good company, good casting practice, packed up at 2.30 this morning, a quick Mcdonalds, in bed by 4am, up at 8am for work, several coffee's and here we are!! lol
                        You Legend, I take my hat off to you sir!
                        " Thou shall not lay a hedge when the birds are nesting"


                        • #13
                          AAH Distant memories of a miss-spent youth

                          Now what was that song again? yes I remember 'Those were the days my friend, we sing and dance the whole niight long'

                          Potty by name Potty by nature.

                          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                          Aesop 620BC-560BC



                          • #14
                            I'm very old and sad, so actually was in bed by 9.15 (I get up for work at five). Considered reading for a while, decided against it, turned out the light and hit the pillow snoring. Woken by the phone - my daughter-in-law phoning from NZ. All discombobulated, thinking it was time to get up. Suddenly realised that it was TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES after I had turned out the light! I obviously fell into some kind of red wine-induced coma.
                            However, in my mis-spent youth ( before I got married and all sensible) I was often to be found weaving my unsteady way back to the little caravan I occupied then as dawn broke.
                            Ah, those heady, hung-over days...
                            When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cptncrackoff View Post
                              I finished work at 5pm, went home, had tea, loaded the rods into the car..
                              Buzzed up the A133, up the A12, accross the A14 (past the accident) and headed to Felixstowe, a nice night to be on the beach, shame the cod werent there!
                              Good company, good casting practice, packed up at 2.30 this morning, a quick Mcdonalds, in bed by 4am, up at 8am for work, several coffee's and here we are!! lol

                              Yes, that's a 'No' from me!
                              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


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