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The 'My Secret Santa present has arrived' thread


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  • #31
    Mine has arrived today - fitted through the letterbox so my poor neighbour has had a day off from taking parcels in for me (lots of on-line shopping) - so THANK YOU Secret Santa.

    I have noted the one I sent has arrived safely too (but I'm not telling where).
    The cats' valet.


    • #32
      Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
      Mine has arrived Our pesky postman had put it in the passageway next to the bikes, hope someone isn't worrying that it had got lost It's now in place of honour - 1st pressie under the tree
      LOL MINE was MY 1st pressie too!


      • #33
        Oooh, I got home to a card on the mat today. "A parcel to be signed for". The lady next door will sign, said the sign on my door - couldn't the postie read?

        The sorting office is going to be mental this week Santa!! Luckily, I have a little elf who will go and queue up for me

        Watch this space.
        Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
        Edited: for typo, thakns VC


        • #34
          Thank you to whoever, mine arrived safely today and is joining the very few pressies under the tree. I must get wrapping so it doesn't look so lonely
          I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
          Now a little Shrinking Violet.


          • #35
            Mine arrived yesterday but kindly taken in by neighbour. Tucked up under the tree now looking very pretty next to my work secret Santa pressie. Thankyou very much secret Santa!
            ( mine arrived at it's destination a short while ago , I'm pleased to say)
            Gardening forever- housework whenever


            • #36
              Thank you santa. Mine just arrived.

              Had to open it as was not sure that was what it was. But gladly had a card in top so just read that and resealed it so not sure what's inside but its heavy Hehe. The excitement... Can not wait to open it now on Christmas day. Woop woop..

              I realised afterwards that everything in the box is wrapped up individually. soo nice! I now have 4 things from secret Santa to open on Christmas day, one of which rattles hehe, I didn't shake it honest :P, feel like a big kid again!

              YAY and some fresh chocolate brownies looking things to eat now.. will have them after dinner me thinks!

              And the wife is enjoying the bubble wrap hahaha.

              Thanks again Secret Santa!!!!

              Last edited by DGoulston; 21-12-2011, 04:29 PM.
              Chilli Grower
              mmmmmm Spicy Chilli.....
              | Blog:|


              • #37
                Just recieved mine, thanks xx, not too sure if mine has been recieved though


                • #38
                  Mine arrived today...big thanks to my Secret Santa...was also happy to see the one I sent arrived safely too.

                  Merry Christmas all xxxxxx
                  Kirsty b xx


                  • #39
                    My little elf has been to the sorting office and collected my Secret Santa parcel for me. Thank you Santa, it is now safely under the tree. I just can't wait until Christmas morning.

                    I think that mine has arrived now too.
                    Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
                    Edited: for typo, thakns VC


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