Good luck to you lad, hope it all works out for you.
No announcement yet.
"going it alone"
A bold move in these hard times, but I'm sure it will work out - very best wishes for success - Sage words from Colin below, keep them in mind!
Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post.............................As others have said don't under charge a mans worthy of his hire and those who don't want to pay are usually the ones with most money, ........................... Colin.
Best wishes for your new venture
Good luck dude - very brave.A simple dude trying to grow veg.
BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Originally posted by chrismarks View PostInteresting, as I've been thinking of going contracting(the rate for what I do, which contractors here get paid means that I'd make what I do now in a month, in less than a week - which is rediculous).
Best of luck though dude!" Thou shall not lay a hedge when the birds are nesting"
When going it alone, always add into your equations, sick pay and holidays. we still get ill and we still want to go on holiday so when quoting make sure you allow a percentage extra for these occasions.
So in very simple terms divide what you want to earn a year after deductions, by 52 weeks less 4 week hols and 2 weeks sickness. This becomes your nett nett minimum. Then add on all your costs, motor vehicle, fuel, tools, advertising etc etc. Then add on the tax mans cut, and you arrive at what you need to earn every week. Look at this figure and decide if your contracts will cover it, then anything else on top is bonus. simples.I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.
Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View PostStarted out on my own over 20 years ago. Its the best and worst thing you will ever do just make sure the best bits happen more often than the worst bits and its great.
As others have said don't under charge a mans worthy of his hire and those who don't want to pay are usually the ones with most money, thats how they get to keep it in the first place.
The hardest part for me is mornings like this morning. Cold, dark, miserable, the beds warm and you know you don't have to go. Takes a lot of will power to haul my arris off the bed and go to work.
All the very best Colin.My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
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